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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Chinook Salmon

Launched out of Edmonds, (2nd boat there) dropped crab pots then shot towards the west side of the Possession, crowded. Trolling Red Racer with Ace Hi-Fly, lines out by 0700. Lines pop off of downrigger about 0900, great surge of energy trying to bring 'im. Could not gain much line for about 2-3 minutes, my heart was racing!! A couple minutes, later we have a visual, wild, about 7#s, dang, thought I was going to punch my card!! About an hour later, clip pops off again, hard!! Another great fight, this one running deep and peeling line while I run around the boat. God what a rush!! Many deep runs and about 10 minutes later I bring to the boat, damn was all my brother & friend said (OK, they said more??) We were all saying, please be legal!! Heck yes, but fish was not quite ready, played with it 2-3 minutes after being able to identify it, finally had tired out, got the head up, brother scoop it, yeah baby!! Other boaters were cheering when they saw the size, my PB, 22.6#. Worn relieved, and grateful, good first punch on my card. Brothers friend also caught about a 9# hatch using a Coyote spoon, green. Called it a day around 1330, picked up pots, had a total of 11, great day!!


7/27/2015 2:44:00 PM
Holy smokes man, nice fish!! Great read and fantastic report.
7/27/2015 3:49:00 PM
Nice fish. On Saturday we had to throw one back that size on the west of possession also. Wild. Bummer we did end up with a pink as to not go home totally skunked
Fish Dawg
7/27/2015 5:24:00 PM
Was at the Ballard Locks on Saturday. Saw a number of kings in already along with the usual compliment of sockeye. Was good to see some healthy size kings in the mix there both wild and hatchery. Hopefully they will hang out in the cool depths of the lake and survive until the water in the rivers drops to a temperature they can handle.
7/31/2015 11:07:00 PM
Fantastic catch and report. Thanks!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709