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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Clear Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



Still high on the events of last Sunday, and having a short day at work, I zipped home grabbed the boat, and headed for water.... decided to fish Clear Lake in Skagit County. Got to the lake at about 2pm. A couple guys were fishing from shore for trout, but weren't having any luck. There were only two other boats out, and one of those was fishing for trout also...I can't say I saw them catch anything, and only noticed a few trout jumping. I was again fishing for bass, and had enough time to make about a lap and a half around the lake before the sun was dropping out of sight. I tried a black & blue 1/4oz jig with plastic trailer that I custom trim, and the same thing in more of a pumpkinseed color with a "swimming" style trailer. I managed one fish on each, both were in about two feet of water and went about 3 to 3.5lbs. The water was 53.2 degrees when I arrived and had dropped to about 51 degrees when I was leaving, it is also alot more stained than normal. I marked alot of fish in about 11 feet of water, I tried a carolina-rigged Berkley Pulse Worm, but to no avail..... Nice to see the sun though:) Get that water warmed up!!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709