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Clear Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



My buddy and I ran up to Clear Lake today, hoping the warm weather on Thursday and Friday might have jazzed up the bass? I was excited to see the lake temp in the upper 50's, from 47 a week earlier. We made one lap around the lake, saw about seven bass, all in four feet of water, and just sitting in the middle of nothing?? Not on structure at all, and very spooky. We tried jigs, spinnerbait's, plastic worms, and a few other rigs trying to coax a bite....nothing. The lake also completely cleared up visibility wise from last week too. I guess the bass need a couple days to acclimate to the 10 degree temp jump, and the disappearance of the brownish algae that has been hanging in the water?? May try again next week, even though there is supposed to be a tournament going on.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709