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Badger Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Has Fall fell yet? YOU DECIDE.

The wind picked-up during this latest foray on Badger Lake; it was calm when we launched the boat early in the morning.
We spent the week preparing a bevy (yes, a bevy!) of wedding rings to take with us. We were wisened from our last fishing experience at Badger and were eager to try it again. We took our learnings from last week and put them to use this day--- and we limited-out on cutthroat trout before noon.

As per rule, the best strikes were when the Other Guy in the Boat and I would break-out a snack to munch on. The resulting mad-minute, resulting from trying to get to a dancing fishing pole with one hand while holding a cookie with another--- is a BB of BL tradition! And--- we are getting PRETTY GOOD at it, thankyouverymuch. The rest of you might try this little trick. It sure works for us!

The lake dropped another 3 degrees in temperature, and the action of the fish on our lures was more lively than last week. A few fish were still deep, but the majority of them rode the thermals, which seemed to be around 30 feet at most places in the lake.

As the morning progressed, the wind kicked-up the lake surface, but not so much that there were whitecaps. That made for great self-jigging--- the fish seemed to like the added excitement.

The Cutthroats we caught hit our lures HARD--- they don't generally leap out of the water like rainbows do, but they battle valiantly nonetheless. The fish were beautifully-colored, the cuttys with their red coloring beneath their mouths prominent.

So... after we had limited-out, we cruised into the wind towards the boat launch, thinking that MAYBE we have Badger Lake on the agenda for next week...

This proved to be a great day fishing at Badger Lake.

TYPE OF FISH CAUGHT: Cutthroat, and 1 Rainbow
LENGTH OF THOSE FISH: 2 were 15"; the rest between 10" and 12"
WEIGHT: @#$%$@#! (interpreted to mean: still no scale!)
TIME: 6:00 am
LOCATIONS ON LAKE: Under power lines
CONDITIONS OF WATER: Water clear, temperature 65 degrees F
LURES USED: Wedding rings with spinner sets
WEATHER: Clear with haze
DEPTH: 20' to 30'
BOAT SPEED: < 1 mph
NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON THE LAKE: maybe 10 boats...

PS: You ever notice that when you limit-out at a lake, the trip back to the boat launch seems easy?


Rob G.
9/17/2007 12:15:00 PM
Rob G.
9/17/2007 12:21:00 PM
Thanks for the trout report, I enjoy this site but lately it seems that it's all about the Bass! I enjoy trout fishing, especially trolling, there's nothing like rolling along the water and having a nice hit on your pole. Unfortunately the fish at my usual spot have been un cooporative and I've had to settle for bait fishing.
9/17/2007 11:27:00 PM
hmmm i might actually know what bb of bl stands for....bad boys of badger lake? or big boys of badger lake? or baitcasting boys of badger lake lol
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709