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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wallula Lake Report
Benton County, WA



All Day

My uncle and I spent the day from 8am-5pm Trolling for steelhead above McNary Dam.Dam counts indicate that about 80% of the fish passing over the dam go through the ladders on the Oregon side,so it was a no brainer figuring out what side of the river to troll.Water temps around 59 degrees.My uncle caught first fish at around 9 am about 2 miles upriver from the dam(6 lb hatchery steelie) on the magnum size Fatfish(red with black spots)Trolling at 1.3-1.5 mph.After about 11:00am we decided to give the Washington side a try.We started out at the pumping station a mile or so upriver from the dam and trolled all the way to the fish ladder by the locks without any luck.About 2 pm we decided to try the Oregon side again so we crossed the bouy line and WAM I caught a 6 lb hatchery steelhead on a red fire tiger wiggle wart(regular size not mag)right on front of the loading docks.We bonked him turned around and started back and within 15 minutes I caught a14 lb hatchery steelhead on the same fire tiger wiggle wart.The last 2 fish were caught at 1-1.3 mph.


10/8/2007 9:59:00 PM
NICE fish!
10/9/2007 10:33:00 AM
Thanks,you don't catch alot of them that size very often
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709