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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Pine Lake Report
King County, WA



Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

had a break in the chores and hit the lake for a few hours. ran 6lb main line with 4lb leader on wedding ring custom at 20-30 feet. hooked about 6 and lost just as many, most good 12-13". I brought the camera and took a few shots. I did get a pic of the red sores that we've all noticed on some of these fish. I used a green/ white combo for my first few and switched to green/ blue for the rest. Also had a ford fender on the line.


5/26/2008 2:54:00 AM
You know I've seen those sores that you guys have been talking about on a couple of the smaller fish but nothing on the bigger ones. I wonder if they just came off the truck that way. Hey gian, I got another brown today !!
5/26/2008 7:38:00 AM
Big Brown where did u get the brown and on what if u dont mind sharing
5/26/2008 8:38:00 AM
I posted about it last night but it hasn't come up yet. It should be up soon They say 24-48 hrs but they still haven't posted my big triploid from Beaver. Anyway, same spot fishingmachine. North side by the slides trolling my usual plug but behind pop gear this time.
5/26/2008 8:54:00 AM
Oh so were u using any weight before the popgear or what
5/26/2008 8:58:00 AM
Ya I always use weight. I run a sliding sinker with a bead then barrell swivel. That way I can switch to anything I want very easily. You going out on Pine today ?
5/26/2008 9:00:00 AM
Well i am deciding between there and beaver. So how much weight were u running and u said u got a trip out of beaver. Were u running a plug again
5/26/2008 9:20:00 AM
Early in the year I started out at 1/8 oz and now that the water has reached 63-65 degrees I'm using at least 1/4 oz. And yes I was running a plug again at Beaver. I could run wedding rings, wooley buggers, rooster tails, needlefish, super dupers or any of that stuff but in my experience it just produces small fish that bite anything. If you want the big dogs you gotta act like a small fish and thats what the plugs resemble. Make it worth his while to chase it.
5/26/2008 9:40:00 AM
Yeah i am headed to beaver and we will try for some big trout trolling plugs. Were you using pop gear at beaver
5/26/2008 9:58:00 AM
No I wasn't at Beaver. I used a plug for a while then a flatfish frog pattern.
5/26/2008 10:11:00 AM
big brown I saw you out there but every time I got close you were on the phone... I was going to ask what you were using. I'm going to try using plugs from now on. My wedding ring combo keeps getting hit by the smaller fish in the 10-15ft range before I can get down to 25-30 ft range where I think the bigger fish are lurking. I was on the same shelf you were but running north to south over that 40 ft depression in the middle of the lake. I noticed you were running west to east. I know I must have passed some browns, but they weren't interested in my lure. Instead their rainbow body guards kept getting in the way :o)
5/26/2008 2:49:00 PM
You know I keep thinking I see you Gian but don't remember what to look for. Are you in a raft or a boat or what? You weren't the one asking to see my brown were you. I had a few people asking me how big that fish was cause they saw me pull it in from a distance. Your right about the body guards though......lol. I get so tired of those little guys ruining my trolling pass I just drop my plug from a stand still, get it to the bottom then reel it up a little and start trolling.
5/26/2008 2:50:00 PM
My report still hasn't posted maybe my pic is too high res??
5/26/2008 2:56:00 PM
if im out solo im in a small yellow raft with oars. one of the few without a motor. If I have my daughter with me we're in a larger green sevlor 360 with a trolling motor, but I rarely take that out on pine. You can't miss me in the bright yellow though, that thing always leaks too so if you see me on land I'm usally wet as was the case yesterday.... I did come in after you and saw your boat tied up, i heard people on shore talking about someone catching a big fish, must have been you. I repaired a small seam leak by your boat but you never came back. I'll keep an eye out. what kind/ color plug are you using?
5/26/2008 5:35:00 PM
I'm using two jointed floating minnow Rapala plugs. One looks like a small rainbow trout, the other is black on top and silver on the bottom. Both are about 3.5 inches long. They have great life like action since they are jointed. When trolling the right speed they look great.
5/26/2008 6:11:00 PM
thanks for the info. I just ordered 4 x-rap rapalas, one with the trout design. You know, i've noticed with the posting that if there is an error made it's kind of hard to see. I've posted things thinking they wen't through, when in fact i've missed the lake name or something on the first page. I would repost. i'm interested in seeing your pics
5/26/2008 6:16:00 PM
Well I dont know if I did something wrong or not but for now you can see it in the forum. Its under freshwater fishing, fishing pics, and on page 3. Meanwhile I will try to figure out why it wont go through. My triploid post for beaver wont go through either.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709