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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Gissberg Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait
Hook & Bait

After seeing fellow members post about catching the little guys close to home. I thought it would be a great time to take my youngest fishing and catch some fish. We got on the water a little after 2pm. Tried bobber and bait, but the wind had it pushed back into shoewith in 5-10 minutes. We quickly switched over to the bottom and just as fast were on to the trout. We caught and released our limit, with no harm done to the trout. We used barb less single hooks. Yellow PB was the color of choice up till the last half hour of our trip. Have plenty of colors and jars of color. I went through one completely new jar of yellow pb, because of the single hook and the trout being good and bait snatching. If the weather fairs, I will be out there with my family and maybe some friends too. Good luck and tight lines.


3/20/2009 8:46:00 AM
Sorry people, day fished was the 19th....
3/20/2009 11:02:00 AM
Nice pic. Going there tomorrow, I know people think I am crazy but I wish everyone used barb less hooks all the time for trout.
3/20/2009 12:28:00 PM
were you fishing the kids only pond. or the "general use" side? I was thing of giving it a shot Saturday, if they'd put some fish in the kids only side
Trout Master
3/20/2009 5:03:00 PM
even though you were using barbless hooks, you still were fishing illegal. Read the regs all fish caught with bait must be keot if legal to do so. Gotta love you bait fisherman
The Jigmiester
3/20/2009 5:37:00 PM
Great to get the kids out on the water. Salmon king, gotta Q for you...Do you ever use the moon tables rating the fishing days? Even though the last few days have been nice, my buddies and I struck out on early season perch and crappie. The water temps were ok but the only fish I caught or saw caught were hatchery planted trout. It seems that my Astro tables Log really affects warmwater fish like bass and crappie. Any thoughts on this? The Jigmiester.
3/20/2009 6:56:00 PM
Trout Master? You couldn't be more incorrect! The specific rule out of the WDFW Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet 2008/2009 which I am holding in my hand right now states.....and I quote "In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: No min. size. Daily limit 5. When fishing with bait, all TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit whether kept or released." end quote. It's on page 37 if you would like to try and read it again?
Salmonking did it exactly right...if you want to catch and release with bait, you are only allowed to catch a total of five fish, period! If they had continued beyond ten total for the two of them, THEN they would have been breaking the law! Also, those regulations are still current and valid through April 25th 2009. Think I'll go there and do the exact same thing this weekend:)
3/20/2009 8:30:00 PM
Awesome report bud. You need to bring the crowd over sometime with you and hope to see you over soon. Carrie has been asking if you are coming too lol. She wants to fish with your kids.
blufin loui
3/20/2009 9:02:00 PM
Hey ya SK, Long time no hear from ya. Great to hear you got the youngster out, and got into fish. Gota ask though, what was the background of thesecond pic. Good report, and wish you the best in all your ventures.
8/18/2018 8:20:48 PM
Blufin, are you still around? I know it has been years since meeting up at Rufus... Hope to hear from you
blufin loui
3/20/2009 9:08:00 PM
Howdy Trout Master,
Whada ya mean by "Gotta love you bait fisherman"??
Many of us here on WL fish with bait from time to time, and depends on the species, maybe all the time.
Fishing is a great sport and there's plenty of room for our different techniques. The important thing is to read and follow the rules and regulations put forth by WDFW.
Be safe and enjoy your fishing activities.
Trout Master
3/20/2009 10:05:00 PM
fishtimitater, sorry my bad ,it used to be if using bait you could not catch and release. even if using barbless hooks with bait the trout will swllow and the hook most likely causes damage and the fish may swim awy but will die.
3/20/2009 10:15:00 PM
Yeah SK, whats the story behind the "throw the pole down and run away screaming" pic?
3/21/2009 2:25:00 AM
Ok, to answer all questions. All trout, believe it or not were hooked in the mouth.
We were fishing in the general side, as you can see the parking lot in the background of one of the pics. Speaking of, as I mentioned before.
I tried to take a photo of my son holding the rod and line with the trout on the other end. The trout decided to wiggle causing my son, 3, to freak out and do a drop and throw of both rod and fish at the same time, then run away from the situation. I held the next trout to show him that they are nice and asked "do you want to touch and see?" No was the answer I got. Oh well, there will be more times to teach nd show him these things.
Trout Master,
As some one already posted.... Enough said, I teach C&R to my sons unless the hook is swallowed or bleeding. I will be sure to read the 2009-2010 regs for any changes. Bait was an easy way to ensure my son would catch some fish and learn the things I have taught his older brother.
Yes and no. This was more of a spur of the moment. I am on leave and thought it would be a great time to spend with him and headed out after reading some reports on the ponds.
We are working on the details right now. I am looking at heading there soon. I am having to work out the details between baseball season and other things. I should know soon. I will send you an email with an update.
As I mentioned to Arron. Yeah, he has not fished much due to me being under way a lot. His first fish was a bullhead from the same pond at the age of 1 1/2. I took him salmon fishing in 2007 and that was the last time I had fished(and catching a fish) with him till this time.
blufin loui
3/21/2009 9:27:00 AM
TOTAlly Awsome SK, All lil guys/gals have to have exposure to the elements around them before they get comfortable with new situations. You are providing those experiences, and my hats off to ya Man, wish more Dads would ensure their kids had the opportunity. Keep up the great work, AND you have a fishing partner in the making there.
3/21/2009 11:02:00 AM
Taking both my sons out today. Hope to see some of you out there. Good luck and tight lines.
Fishin Musician
3/23/2009 1:48:00 PM
Fishtimidator, good catch! I wasn't aware of that rule change either. After scouring the regs I offer my apologies to anybody here that I may have slammed for C&R bait caught trout. Just remember, if you add scent to your lure or fly, it becomes bait. Also, check the regs for the water you intend to fish. There may still be a special rule listed by lake.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709