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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA



Brown Trout

Got to Rock this morning around 6:30. We were the second boat there.. BEAUTIFUL day on Rock today! The water was like glass, no wind, and 54 degrees by noon!!

Headed to the shallows near Johnson Beach first and did some chunking and winding with Yo-Zuri floating, suspending, and sinking minnows for an hour and a half with no hits.. Lots of fish jumping around us, but no hits.. Tried a worm and bobber comb for about half an hour, with no luck. At about 8:30am or so we burned down to the head of the lake and trolled the Yozuris through the northwest corner the and northern shore several times, making a big loop. Then we started getting some hits, a few in the northwest corner and several on the north shoreline, especially about 50 yards out and to either side of the area where the creek flows in. Caught 3 nice keepers down here (14" rainbow, 16" brown, and a really nice 20" 3 pound brown). About 11:00 we headed back to Johnson Beach shallows and started trolling the eastern shoreline. Got several more hits and landed a nice 18" brown in about 24 feet of water. We saw another boat miss at least two fish.. All in all, we missed 6 fish and caught 4 between 6:30 am and 12:00.. I was really happy with the three pounder! Headed back in and counted 27 cars in the lot with at least a dozen boat trailers. Cant wait to go back. Launching is a dream right now!


2/13/2010 7:39:00 PM
Geeez...what a beautiful Brownie!
Van BT's
2/13/2010 8:39:00 PM
that big one is gorgeous... we need more lakes with browns on the west side
2/14/2010 9:13:00 AM
It was beautiful out there, nice report. I caught five nice Browns and a Rainbow, I used my Rock staple, a Gold Rapala Shad Rap # 5. The trolling speed for me on this day was 1.5, average fish 15 inches. All fish were released, no beautiful 20 inchers, nice fish!
2/14/2010 12:04:00 PM
pretty fish
2/14/2010 12:57:00 PM
Good report cdhiles, and what a beautiful Brown, nice pictures too. Where is Johnson Beach from the boat launch?
2/14/2010 1:30:00 PM
Johnson Beach is about halfway up on the east side. It's in kind of a cove and there is a little picnic area with a bench (privately owned) on the shore. I often see guys anchored up in this area fishing bait. It was owned by a Mr. Johnson and is where the laborers working on the railroad camped. It can be located on this map: http://www.trails.com/topo.aspx?lat=47.1843&lon=-117.6821&s=50&size=s&style=drgsr&name=Rock%20Lake

Blow the map up to the second to the largest size and look for the area around 47.1773 degrees N and 117.6772 degress W. You cant miss it.
Incidentally, if anyone is interested in the history of Rock Lake, including some really cool old pictures showing the town of Rock Lake and how it used to look, you can go to this site http://content.statelib.wa.gov/ and do an advanced search for Rock Lake. There are 50 some images of Rock Lake in the early 1900's.

This is another site with some great local information/legends/pictures

And further still, here is an interesting link to an old article about Rock
2/14/2010 1:36:00 PM
Sounds like you had a great day BassCaster! I have been curious about the bass fishing here.. I am anxious to get out and try some this spring.. Have you done well bass fishing here?
2/14/2010 3:13:00 PM
There are largemouth in Rock, no doubt. In fact I started out fishing for bass on Sat. with no luck. So I just trolled for trout. I have caught plenty in the past in fact it's almost a 50/50 chance you will get trout with your bass rigs. Throw out a tube with a touch of red you may get a largemouth you may get a rainbow. Throw out a bass plug who knows what you will get. If the Bass are not biting grab a Gold Rapala #7 original rigged with a 1/4 once barrel sinker on about a three foot leader or just a #7 Shad Rap, then find the trolling speed of the day, you won't go home empty handed!
2/14/2010 4:04:00 PM
thanks for the tip BassCaster! I have never been to a lake where a big plug could catch a either a fat bass or a fat trout! The prospects are limitless!
2/14/2010 4:34:00 PM
thanks for the tip BassCaster! I have never been to a lake where a big plug could catch a either a fat bass or a fat trout! The prospects are limitless!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709