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Coffeepot Lake Report
Lincoln County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout

Fished Coffee Pot on sunday for a bit ..First time out and didnt notice until after I caught a nice trout that it was selective gear rules ...I normally check but had heard of bass caught in here and havent ever heard of a selective gear bass lake...Fishing was slow from the bank fished from about 500am to 730 am and only landed the 1 fish. Then me and a buddy headed to twin lake ...


6/1/2011 7:40:00 AM
That's because there is no such thing as a "selective gear bass lake".
6/1/2011 8:02:00 AM
Coffee Pot is a selective fishery for all species. You can still catch bass without scent , or salt on your plastics.
Thanks for showing us a trout you illegally caught.. Read the regulations before you go to any lake, that is everyones responsibility before fishing any waters.
6/1/2011 8:33:00 AM
Not smart....
6/1/2011 9:22:00 AM
It happens guys, unfortunately. Luckily we can learn mosley's report. Thanks for the report, and I bet you read the regs a little closer before your next trip
6/1/2011 10:07:00 AM
Guys don't beat him on the head. I've heard of others that fished with live bait on these types of lakes, not on purpose but because they didn't know. Next time he will know and tell others as well.
6/1/2011 10:49:00 AM
It has been a problem for some time. I am not sure if they need larger signs on these lakes or need to remove some of the regulations. Recently we had a report on Twin Lakes where the guy says they left Twin and went to Coffee Pot to fish for Catfish, which you and I know must have been with bait. The regulations are clear, or as clear as it can be, but the signs at the lake are small.

Worse yet, the "locals" ignore the rules. You would have thought I was the "bad guy" when I told a guy that he could not fish with bait from the dock with his kids (about 3 years ago). Heck (work changed), everyone does it, what what I talking about!

I figure that I have messed up somewhere with the rules, so mosleyfrommoses, I forgive you for whatever it is worth, even if some others here won't. LOL
6/1/2011 2:07:00 PM
When you noticed, you corrected. Good enough for almost anyone who isn't a game warden. Bigger signs might help, and a lawyer to read the regs, but we all have to be a little paranoid when fishing unfamiliar waters. I actually talk to the game dept folks to double check beforehand, and then check the internet site for "special" closures or rules. I've come close a couple of times to screwing up, but these habits saved me from fines and breaking laws I don't care to, even if I would get away with it. There's too many people now for on size fits all regs, unfortunately. The bass there are a little harder to catch under selective rules, but then they aren't "educated" like so many others. A little innovation and some sacrifice of hooks and barbs on pricey plugs, and they can be fun.
More interested in how you did at Twin.

Aa: You are sure right about some of the locals. The legendary "Russians" of Banks lake come to mind. No, I'm not anti-Russian. There are, according to locals,a few who overharvest in that area. I think I've seen some of the ones around Coffeepot you refer to also. Cellphone reception doesn't work well there.
6/1/2011 2:11:00 PM
Failure to read the regulations is a choice, they are readily available for all to read, hard copies, or online.
When you buy a license you are agreeing to obey ALL laws when you fish, not just the ones you took time to learn.

If you are reading this, then you have access to the regulations:
6/1/2011 2:36:00 PM
Everybody that has posted on here is just as much of a "law breaker" as he is, including me. I am sure we've all driven 1 mph over the speed limit today. Life is too short, give him a break.
6/1/2011 2:55:00 PM
Everybody that has posted on here is just as much of a "law breaker" as he is, including me. I am sure we've all driven 1 mph over the speed limit today. Life is too short, give him a break.
6/1/2011 3:04:00 PM
Sure Youshhucks, can't argue with that...most folks, but NOTeveryone, do break a traffic law once and awhile.
And you should expect a ticket ,or dirty looks from law biding drivers, when you do break a traffic law.
These are the dirty looks...he is lucky he did not get a ticket and fine.
AJ's Dad
6/1/2011 5:18:00 PM
My guess is thast Mosley is sitting back reading all of these posts and having a good laugh. LOL Do you really think a guy would seriously break the rules and then post it on the internet that he had done so? He is seeing the kind of reaction that one would get if they posted a photo of a nice big pike or walleye, then told everyone on hear that he took it home and ate it. This is a great website. I have met several nice people through it, have had many hours of enjoyable reading, and much fun posting my own catches. It's posts and comments like these that really keep me comming back though. Keep up the entertaining banter guys. Happy Fishing
6/1/2011 6:19:00 PM
Grow up people. Who are you to judge? Leave him alone and mind your own business
6/1/2011 11:23:00 PM
Its amazing how many people on this site look over every report just to find something wrong with someone so they can critisize over the internet. Your all retarded
6/2/2011 4:47:00 AM
I guess I kinda shot myself in the foot by posting that story but hey I could have easily put I caught it legally..The true character of a man is not by the mistakes he makes but the reaction to those mistake correcting the problem..I had been told by a "friend" that he was catching bass there and I showed up right before light so the sign that was there I did not see until after wards..I agree it was my fault and should have scanned the book real quick but to be honest I wouldnt have drove out that far knowing that . Well it is what it is ha ha...and to thous who got upset by my post sorry just showing mistakes can be made and hopefully anyone reading will not make the same mistake...well I'm off regs book in hand ...tight lines fellas
6/2/2011 6:54:00 AM
Well said mosely!
Jake Dogfish
6/2/2011 7:02:00 AM
Thanks for the report. Posting the pic just gave those looking to take a shot an easy target. There are some really nice fish in that lake.
AJ's Dad
6/2/2011 7:34:00 AM
Mosley, Well I guess I figured it wrong. I thought you were just having some fun watching these responses. NO big deal though. Your comment on character was well said, and a point that should be taken by ALL. My dad used to tell me that it takes a man to admit when he makes a mistake. That's something I think a lot of people have a hard time doing. Happy fishing
6/2/2011 6:37:00 PM
I look forward to your next report! Tight lines to you as well.
6/3/2011 7:45:00 AM
i was at coffeepot lake a couple weekends ago and noticed 7 tents, 3 r's and 3 boats. The problem was i fished from 4:30-7:45 and didnt see one person wake up and fish.....that kinda struck me as ODD to say the least. Is there some wierd feeding pattern i should know about when fishing this lake or were those campers just hungover? hahaha
6/4/2011 6:41:00 PM
It's amazing; admit in a report that you made a mistake while fishing and look how many can't wait to anonymously chastise you. I’ve seen it here a hundred times. Submit a report where you just fished like everyone else and no one seems to have the time to thank you for your report or congratulate you on a good outing. We all make mistakes! I commend you for admitting it in your report and making the necessary adjustments. Give the guy a friggen break! He made a mistake and caught it.
6/4/2011 6:45:00 PM
I also commend those of you who displayed some respect and understanding and offered a little kindness.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709