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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Panther Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
Power Bait
All Day

I give this day a 3 because I went out for Bass... I saw some but didn't catch any not even a strike... so on that it was a 1

But if you wanted trout it was a banner day (a 5 so an average of 3) all the people even the shore birds were limiting out in an hour or so. The trout would hit anything, I caught them on Orange Power bait, Rattle traps in shad color, Silver and black Jerk baits, and Orange cranks.

All of the trout were stockers but fat and great for the pan. I caught my limit in 30 minutes after giving up the bass hunt and cleaned them for the pan. On my way home though I stopped by the gas station and there was a hispanic gentleman and his three kids down on their luck somewhat. They were scraping change from their truck to get gas to make it home. I asked him if he liked fish and he said yes kind of wondering why this fat jolly redneck was even talking to him. I took him over to the cooler took out all 5 of my freshly cleaned and iced trout and gave to him for dinner. He asked how much and I told him nothing they were a gift and his eyes and the kids yelling thank you when he showed them what they were having for dinner, made the fact I didn't catch a bass all day seem like things were still right in the world .... :-)


6/11/2011 9:09:00 PM
That's wonderful that you could make their day like! Pay it forward and you'll be rewarded 10 fold I always say.
The Quadfather
6/11/2011 9:47:00 PM
Good move Soundguru....
pretty soon I want to see some pics. of you spilling some blood in that boat!
6/12/2011 12:11:00 AM
As long as it isn't my blood..... :-) I will get pictures next outing....

I have decided to always try to catch my limit on trout and give them away to someone who needs them. God gave us beautiful lakes and great fishing at least I can give a little back. My plan is to go to a local gas station or some place similar and give away that days catch while still fresh if I can. Plus it will make my wife happy since I'm the only one in my family that likes fish. Now she won't have to smell it when I cook it up...
6/12/2011 9:24:00 AM
Good for you and the world! I agree with the "pay it forward" comment. Good luck in your future bass trips.
6/12/2011 2:53:00 PM
Sounds like a 5 to me. The smiles make it very worth while.
7/27/2011 9:08:00 AM
I commend you for your wonderful act of kindness. Things like this remind me that there is still some good in this world!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709