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Alice Lake Report
King County, WA


Largemouth Bass

Threw everything in the tackle box at the fish. different colors, shapes, sizes, and speeds. did not land a fish or a bite for the first 2 hours. finally put on a silver crainkbait and was soon catching a bass with almost every cast. I did not get one bigger than a pound but always fun tofind out what they are hittin. All the fish I caught were towards the shore. But I think the big guys were down deeper around 15ft I could see them on my radar but could not catch them. looked bigger onthe radr than all the stocked trout in the lake. i also caught the smallest Bass of the year, smaller than my pinky tried to fish with him for a while. I also hooked one in the eye so bad that the poor feladoes not have a left eye anymore. I thought about killing him but didnt. Do you think I should of killed thefish for his sakeordo you think he will survive? wasnt sure what the ethics were on that.

Check out the new boat I have set up. the best single man fishing boat around. I have the a troling motor, fish finder and room to spare. I also can stand up while going top speed with out a drop of water on me.


The Quadfather
6/30/2011 11:17:00 PM
Since you asked about the bass with the messed up eye... I would suggest pinching your barbs. When fishing plugs with trebles having 2 seperate trebles all with barbs equals 6 seperate barbed hooks. It can be a bugger to get that out of the lip of a fish. A lot easier without the barbs and you still will be able to bring the fish to the boat. I'll let other folks way in on whether to sacrafice the one eyed fish or not....? Careful though on using the tiny little bass as a bait as you said,,,, that would be fishing with live bait, a no no.. (-:
bob johansen
7/1/2011 6:03:00 AM
I have caught some nice sized bass with only one eye and they were doing OK. Some were kinda long and thin but still able to strike a Rapala. I seen Mike Carey catch a nice bass probably over 21 inches that had only one eye. It seemed healthy but weighed a little less than 5 pounds. Little bass do have very soft mouths but the big boys have hard mouths, I fish with barbs but always carry needle nosed pliers and remove the hooks as gently as possible.
7/1/2011 11:52:00 AM
Sorry about the spelling/space bar. Thanks for your thoughts on the one eyed fish. On lake Alice there are no regulations on using live bait. There should have been pics of my boat. I will put them up on my next report hopefully with some big fish.
7/21/2012 3:45:00 AM
Quadfather is dead right Zach. The regulations Clearly state:

It is unlawful to possess or use live aquatic animals as bait, except:
1. Live aquatic animals (other than fish) collected from the water being fished.
2. Live sand shrimp.
3. Live forage fish in the Columbia River downstream of the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line.

Its under the statewide freshwater rules Page 16, so its not a special rule. :) Just a head-up for ya. If I remember right the rule used to just say no live bait, but Im not sure.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709