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Horseshoe Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

I arrived at the lake fairly early - the sun was just coming up and it was already starting to get warmer. Yeah, I know, Horseshoe Lake is not many bass anglers favorite lake (nor is it mine) but it is near by and I wanted to try our my new Shakespeare casting rod and my new Caenan Shimano casting reel. The water was flat as a mirror as I headed for the big dock directly across the lake from the launch area. It is my favorite dock on the whole lake but not the one where I caught a seven pounder a couple years ago. Anyway, I moved my small boat into a perfect casting position and made the very first cast with my new rod and reel. The black 1/4 ounce jig with a blue gator-tail trailer sailed up along the side of the dock just where I had intended. As the jig sank, I had a very aggressive strike - not just tap-tap but more like Bam-Bam! I set the hook very hard - too hard as it turned out. My new rod snapped in half and the 30 pound Power Pro braided also snapped. My jig was gone, my rod broke and it was only my first cast of the day -- not to mention loosing the "new state record" bass. I put the new reel onto another rod, tied on another black jig and continued fishing -- but that turned out to be my only strike of the day. I saw hundreds of spawning bluegill along the shoreline and a few small schools of small bass. I figured that was one reason the bass seemed to be less than eager to bite -- they were probably all stuffed with bluegill. I was also trying out my newest size 11 floating Rapala -- "The Viper." I figured with a name like that it would surely catch fish. Over all though, It was a nice morning on the lake -- the lilies were blooming and there was some wildlife taking it easy.
One other boat on the lake - a couple of guys were perch fishing.
My impression of the new rod and reel? Not very impressed with the rod for obvious reasons - the new reel cast very nice but I was less than impressed with the thumb bar. They make that model with a left handed and right handed model with a partial thumb bar is on the right or left side - I like the full thumb bar that works for any angler.
Could not get the photos to upload -- first time I have had this problem.


8/4/2011 2:16:00 PM
That's terrible to break your new rod on a big fish, AND break the line. Back in the early '90s I was at the trackle store in Renton when some guy came in and complained about breaking his brand new rod on a hang up on a log. Thing is he'd never tested or practiced with the rod and it was the only rod he had with him that trip. The trip? It was to Alaska! Hope a warrenty helps to get a new rod.
8/4/2011 3:27:00 PM
"The Rod Breaker" will be waiting under that dock for your next attempt with a smug grin on its face :-)
Mike Carey
8/4/2011 5:21:00 PM
bummer, maybe you can get the rod replaced?
Todd Middaugh
8/4/2011 8:55:00 PM
Hey Bob, sorry to hear about losing the state record, you'll
have to go back and get that fish and jig back. Nice photos though.
Hope to see you on a lake sometime.
Todd Middaugh
8/4/2011 9:00:00 PM
Have you seen the photo of 22ib. record bass, I saw a photo from the 1920's or 30's online.
One big bass.
8/4/2011 9:24:00 PM
Man, broke the rod and 30 lb line setting the hook.....Wow, you believe in crossing their eyes!
bob johansen
8/5/2011 8:53:00 AM
rickybasser - Yeah, I probably set the hook too hard most of the time but the 30 lb Power Pro was probably damaged by the jagged ends of the broken rod. TM -- well the fish might not have been a state record but they always get bigger when they get away.
8/5/2011 9:06:00 PM
How did you know all by biggest bass got away?????
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709