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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Liberty Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

When’t out to liberty to try to catch some trout today around 3:00pm to 4:00pm so did not get a whole lot of time to fish. We were drifting a worm with a marshmallow with a little split shot 2 feet up from the bait about 3:30 hooked into this nice 20" rainbow trout and let me tell you it fought like crazy. Would had spent more time but had to go to an Easter party, can’t wait to fish it again.


4/9/2012 11:12:00 AM
Nice catch.
Jay K
4/9/2012 1:27:00 PM
Great catch, but man is that an ugly fish...
4/9/2012 2:47:00 PM
how deep were you fishing?
4/9/2012 6:56:00 PM
I'm hurt i thought it was a beautiful fish, LOL
4/9/2012 6:57:00 PM
was fishing about 10 feet deep
4/9/2012 7:38:00 PM
I am not certain why. But that fish looks mean! There is kind of a eel look to the head.
4/9/2012 7:44:00 PM
yes he fought mean also, cant wait to eat him
blufin loui
4/9/2012 8:19:00 PM
Glad ya got to go out and pull in a fish. Must have been quite a fight. It may be Uuuugly, but man it will cook up good. Thanks for sharing.
blufin loui
4/9/2012 8:20:00 PM
Glad ya got to go out and pull in a fish. Must have been quite a fight. It may be Uuuugly, but man it will cook up good. Thanks for sharing.
4/9/2012 11:01:00 PM
great to hear, glad you got one of those beasts.
4/10/2012 7:07:00 AM
Thanks cant wait to go do it some more,I think i figured it out
4/10/2012 5:16:00 PM
Well done, that being said that is one ugly rainbow. It looks like it is a zombie fish.
4/11/2012 3:06:00 PM
that's a retired hatchery breeding fish. WDFW releases them into lakes after they're past their breeding prime. i caught one just like it a couple of years ago and called the WDFW to ask if it was diseased or something. they said they look that tough from bumping into the concrete tank walls and from nipping at each other in such tight quarters. honestly i dont know how that fish swam with the stumps it had for fins. but it sure tasted good (they're fed engineered pellets).
4/11/2012 5:48:00 PM
Thanks i never knew that
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709