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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Long Lake Report
Grant County, WA



81° - 85°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
61° - 65°

After a long wait, I got a chance today to fish with my good friend Gordy and his friend Wally from Yakima. So we met up and headed over to the Columbia Basin to give the Potholes Seep lake's- Long lake a try for some elusive slab crappie. We launched Gordy's awesomely rigged sled boat and were soon checking the depth finder in order to locate our favorite fish. I had to chuckle a bit, because both Gordy and Wally are 25 years plus my senior... Fishing with them can be likened to a scene or two from "Grumpy Old Men"! Lol... I guess with my greying sideburns and scruffy demeanor, I fit right in with them cuz' fishing with these two was a blast from the get go! We only managed to find 3 big crappie and a 3 pound plus bass during the morning bite. The schools were scattered in deep water and we struggled to put together a precise pattern to catch them. I can only describe it as "Change Up" because it seemed like every time we changed presentations and lure selection, we caught a fish. The 2.5" Damzel Nymphs in motoroil with a chartruse tail were the hot bait for Gordy. I fished the 3" Matador sculpin on a 1/16th oz. fire tiger jighead and watched my line "twitch" as that 3 pound plus Largemouth bass inhaled it! I spotted a bass swirl and Gordy plopped his cast precisely where that fish rose and the Bass nailed his Nymph Jig! We had to wait until the next Lunar bite "Flux" -around 1 p.m, but we all managed to double our catch from the morning! See the photos-They are some really nice slab crappie, with nearly all of them caught on my custom poured nymph jigs. (These things are the real deal guys...) A heart felt thank you to all you walakes field testers out there. tight lines-Jiggy


6/2/2012 7:16:00 AM
YUM!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how many other seep lakes over there have crappie in them?
6/2/2012 1:04:00 PM
Way to go nice mes of fish are the snakes and ticks getting bad out there yet. God Bless
6/2/2012 4:35:00 PM
The Jigmiester
6/2/2012 6:21:00 PM
Any of those lakes that have the potholes canal run thru them should have crappie. Upper and lower goose as well. The problem is most of the smaller seep lakes crappie tend to be stunted and small if they are in there. When it gets hot, the crappie will stage in the Lind Coulee arm of Potholes Res and the fishing for slabs there will get better as the water drops for summer the irrigation draw down. Rocky, no snakes except an unlucky flat snake on the road on the way in...ticks have been bad around the Russian olives this year. Jiggy
6/2/2012 9:24:00 PM
I know a pond over here on the west side that has big crappie. They might be black crappie? My brother caught the biggest one which was 17.5 in. The smallest ones were 13 in. They were all skinny though. I'm not sure if that is normal. We were never "targeting" anything just casting lures. We fished that pond for about 5 years with float tubes and caught about a million blue gill and not a single crappie then all the sudden we went on a hot streak. It has been a few years since we have fished it. If you are on this side and have time I will show it to you.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709