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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Josephine Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



56° - 60°
Stationary Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout

The hike to this Alpine lake features a lot of cool views. It's not "too" bad - 12.8 miles round trip, 2,000 ft of elevation gain. The first half is a 1,025 ft climb to a ridge which has the Stevens Pass chair lift for the backside of the ski resort. Then you drop down and under some power lines before finally entering the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. But that's OK, and well worth the civilization you have to go through. Before reaching the lake you pass a smaller lake, Lake Susan Jane. This lake is only 1-2 acres I'm guessing, shallow, and doesn't look to hold fish. Josephine is 22 acres, and beautiful. It does require a drop of 270 ft to get down to the lake. Once there, the shore access around the lake is kinda tough, with several steep rocky areas that drop to the water's edge. A more adventurous person could bushwack around. As for me, I had lunch and tossed a spinnner, then a green wooley bugger. No takers, and saw no rises. The water was COLD! I could find nothing indicating type of fish in the lake, but I can't imagine that this lake was never planted. So if someone fishes it and catches fish be sure to let us know! Pictures are added to the new overview.


10/9/2012 7:17:00 PM
30 years ago it had Cutthroat!
Mike Carey
10/9/2012 7:52:00 PM
Good to know. I'll add that to the description.
10/9/2012 8:58:00 PM
Mike, it used to hold Cutts, Brookies and Bows in the 80's and early 90's. Like MOST lakes along the Pacific Crest Trail, it got hammered too hard due to the traffic and lack of further planting. Best time there happens to be, as w/ most true Alpine lakes, right at first thaw OR at the near end/first snowfall. Otherwise, too many other Alpine lakes to hit off the beaten path holding plenty of sizable goods.
Mike Carey
10/10/2012 8:49:00 AM
It's one of the bigger Alpine lakes, I can't imagine it could get hit that hard. Not to mention, kind of a steep descent to the lake's edge, and not the easiest to walk around it. But I suppose it's possible. I ran into a 27 year old that was walking the PCT from I-90 to US2, which was the hike I did when I was 30. I remember back then catching a trout and frying it up for dinner. Now I wouldn't even consider doing that, not to mention no fires (and what could be better than frying it on an open fire). Thanks for the info.
The Quadfather
10/12/2012 6:03:00 PM
Oh man, Mike! Such a thrill to see this report. As a kid this was the lake where I think the fishing bug all started for me. My family used to go here quite regularly. I could describe every inch of the bank. The camp spots, everything. I once drank all week from the creek.... then went a little higher in the creek, and discovered a dear head that was half decayed!
I remember clearly with my brother at about 8-10 y/o.... catching 35 trout one day. Used to be a LOAD of fish in that lake... rising, biting, everything. I could go on and on, but I won't bore you....... dad serving "Mountain House" freeze dried beef stroganoff! Lordy, to this day I would by that from REI and make it for dinner if had the chance. Thank you for this report. btw... Lake Susan Jane used to have fish at one time.
10/12/2012 10:07:00 PM
i have always had luck at dorothy lake, i did not make it this year but i figure it is still good for a brookie or two. vibrax #1 or #2 in bright orange.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709