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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA



26° - 30°
Brown Trout
Surface Lure
46° - 50°

We hit Rock Lake again very early in the morning. I have learned from Danny @River Chrome Guide Service to be on the water as the sun is comming up before you get direct sunlight on your spot, because the big ones get spooked and your done. We trolled J-9 trout colored and Xrd-9 same colored Rapalas about 150' to 200' back, sometimes I used my homeade clipweights vs. downrigger @10' down trolling a little slower than at Lake Roosevelt (1.4-1.7mph). I have been fishing this lake hard for the past 4 years and get my biggest fish in what they call the mind field. Most people stay out of this area but for the past 2 years I have been spending my time learning where the lava spears are simply because this is where the Brown Trout hide out, I am finnaly getting some payoff, limits of Brown trout within 1.5 hours. This last trip showed me smaller ones but this experiment will only lead to the huge browns know to be in this lake. The big ones are skiddish and feed at night in the mind field. We still got a few and remember the camera plays tricks all we 2lbs or above. tight lines


1/28/2013 6:32:00 AM
Nice pile of fish!!! Thanx for the report.
1/28/2013 10:07:00 AM
Do you loose much gear, in the area of Rock that your fishing? Or have the boat contact many subsurface obstacles? Your description of the area fished, sounds ominous, like a gauntlet of death defying obstacles to deal with.

Kinda reminds me of a scene in the movie "on Golden pond". Where Peter Fonda lets his young nephew drive the boat for the first time. They are in the search for "Walter" the largest Rainbow in the lake. To get to the fishing "spot". Fonda stands look out at the bow of the boat. Barking out directions at the nephew. On which direction to steer the boat, away from the barely, submerged boulders. Fonda startles the kid, kid knee jerks the throttle, hits a boulder, launching the old man forward, out of the boat. Fonda has blood on his forehead, barely floating in the frigid water. Kid has to pull Grandpa into the boat, and with no help, work his way out of the mine field to reach medical assistance for Gramp's. Grandma places both "Boys" on boat restriction. But at some point during Gramp's at home recovery. The "Boys" sneak out of the cabin, jump into the boat. kid steers through the boulder gauntlet. With Gramp's, gauze patch taped to his forehead. Once again, at the bow on boulder watch. This time they catch "Walter".
1/28/2013 12:54:00 PM
No we don't loose much gear, we are using mono line with top water plugs and wedding rings. I only have my bow mount trolling motor down. If I do hang up I almost always get it back. Going real slow and keep an eagle eye out.
1/28/2013 2:27:00 PM
Nice day and thank you I have been waiting for another report from rock this winter. How is the water level now?
1/28/2013 5:38:00 PM
Hi Tom - Love Rock. Beautiful fish. Have you ever used the SideWinder planer boards to get the gear in the mine field and leave the boat in the clear? Works great! We also release any 5# and above Browns to protect the brood stock part of the natural fishery. The 2-3# are the best eaters anyway. By the way that's a really nice trout; did you have any trouble with the 10-12" trout that were planted in October @ 3 to a pound? They are really pesky!
2/4/2013 6:59:00 PM
would really like to know where some of the lava spears are located. I s there a chance you could give me a rough location? thanks
2/14/2017 1:36:00 AM
You know if you release those claimed 2lb Browns... you will be able to catch larger ones?? And also telling anyone you can about your fishing hole reduces the chances of catching said fish.. steelhead are far better dinner fare then browns are. Just my opinion..
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709