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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Silver Lake Report
Cowlitz County, WA


51° - 55°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
All Day
51° - 55°

So, since I bought a boat, I figured the next step would be to sign up for a bass club. Yesterday was the first tournament. I had envisioned a five fish limit and big fish of the tourney. It didn't turn out that way. We started at 6 a.m. and after fighting hurricane force winds until about noon with zero bites, I blew out my reverse gear and it was stuck in forward. The wind was so strong, I didn't want to risk getting stuck on a wind blown bank so I shamefully put the boat on the trailer. With a couple hours left until weigh in, I headed home. I didn't have any fish to weigh in and every one else was down the lake some where. It was my first time fishing the lake so I was extra cautious. Later, I talked to another angler he said two fish at 8.3 won and big fish was 5.9.
I looked at the engine when I got home and there is some decent size chunks of metal in lower unit oil and I got it back into neutral, but it is making noise in lower unit when I spin the prop. The worst part is I am going to potholes reservoir on Friday for 4 days. I think I will be taking the row boat for that. Also, water was 49 to 53 all fish caught were shallow.


4/21/2013 7:40:00 PM
That sucks about the gears.
4/21/2013 7:57:00 PM
Sorry. I know the feeling. First time out on my first bass boat on Potholes Reservoir, motor started fine, ran a minute, then stopped. Used the electric a while and left. Got home and a good friend asked if he could take a look. He said "think I found your problem." He was looking at me through the engine block. Rod cap done wrong at the factory. It just ain't right! Hope yours turns out like mine did later though, lasted a loooooonnnggg time after it was fixed!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709