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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Medical Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


81° - 85°
Stationary Fly Fishing
Brown Trout
Sinking Fly Line
61° - 65°

On the water in my float tube by 7:00. Fished from 7:00 to 10:45. It was a tough day, but overall enjoyable (any time in a float tube is enjoyable.) Only hooked into one fish, a 12 inch brown which I landed. Fought well and was released. I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get any more hookups, but that's part of the fun of fishing. They didn't hit my olive leach or black bugger, but this one did hit an olive nymph presentation. Fish jumping all over the place. Did also observe a chironomid hatch but wasn't smart enough to tie on a matching presentation. All activity occurred in the bay by the beach, and I hooked up in the top of the water column (probably 10ft). I don't know why there aren't more fisherman at medical, the fishing is phenomenal as long as you have the slightest idea of what to do (like me, emphasis on the correlation between slightest idea and myself)


Jigking Fishhead
7/9/2013 9:28:00 AM
To fish Medical in the summer is to fish a deep chironomid on a type 8 sinking line.. You will catch the large ones right around the thermocline.
Dragging a woolly bugger or anything else will get you the occasional small fish and occasionally a larger one. But day in day out to catch consistent larger fish, deep sinking around the thermocline.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709