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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass

1st cast at about 8:45AM. Tried working the shallows and moving out deeper. Weighted worm, swimbait, dropshot and crank. Only took me 15 mins to get my 1st bass today, but it was a dink SMB @ 10" in about 20' of water on worm. About 10 mins later, I get another dink SMB on a dropshot in ~10' of water. 5 mins later, I get a nice fish pulling drag on the dropshot. Turns out to be a ~16" SMB weighing in at 2lb 8oz in ~16' of water. Got lucky being able to bring it in. Hook was caught on the bottom lip. Popped right off when I got it into the net.

I make almost the exact same cast and I get another bite on the dropshot. It's pulling a little bit of drag but definitely smaller than the previous fish. Then it pops right off. Experience is telling probably a ~13-14" SMB.

Rest of the day, I caught a handful of dinks SMB ranging from 8-10" between the dropshot and swimbait. Got myself a bonus LMB on a swimbait but it was only ~10" or so.

Nothing on crank today.

I landed another stickfish today. Caught on the worm. Maybe 6-7'.

I saw several confirmed trouts jumping. I trolled for 30 mins as I was packing up my gear. 3 strikes with only 1 fish on! 2 strikes were most likely perch. Saw them on sonar and soon afterwards the strikes. The fish on popped off halfway to the boat. Didn't feel that big.


8/21/2013 4:29:00 PM
I don't remember there being a limit on stick fish, that still the case? Depending on line weight, would this one qualify for the record books? LOL
8/22/2013 9:53:00 AM
Nice fish, nice stick. :)

I gotta get back out there this weekend, its been over 3 weeks!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709