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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Moses Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Fished off the i90 bridge. Nightcrawlers just off the bottom produced fish. We caught 8 perch between 3 of us from about 1 to 6. The perch were all large, the biggest being 11". One of us caught a 2.5# bullhead. Along with that a few little smallmouth were c&rd. Mmmm, fried perch, i can almost taste it.


7/21/2014 5:51:00 PM
Nice, I was wondering if the crappie and perch were stacked on the bridge yet. I ended up just going to the spillways and catching some bass and perch. Wish I would've just went to the bridge, saw some local guy come in then swim around the spillway grabbing crawfish by diving down to the bottom and throwing them to his wife, then his wife gave him a net to net fish by hand. All I did was shake my head, was going to call wdfw once I left but he stopped netting fish by the time we were leaving, probably because he scared them all.
7/21/2014 9:42:00 PM
Wow i cant believe that he was getting away w/ that! How is the fishing at the spillways? Would pobably rather explore the spillways than be by a noisy highway for a few hours.
7/21/2014 9:50:00 PM
Yeah it was the first time I've seen that there. It's good fishing for smaller fish mostly, I have caught a couple nice bass there before. One of the guys fishing there caught a nice bass there before the guy started diving in. I like fishing the bridge better just because you never know what you'll catch with the walleye, bass, crappie, perch, and occasional catfish that stack up there during certain times of the year.
7/21/2014 10:05:00 PM
Oh cool, thanks. Ill probably hit it up next trip up there. Tried the spillways in late june with no success, so i was curious.Sadly i havent seen anyone catch walleye or crappie off the bridge, but in two trips I have seen 2 4# plus smallmouth, 1 trout around the same size, plenty of perch and bullheads. I do agree about the possibilties at the bridge making it a very attractive spot though.
7/22/2014 1:49:00 PM
Did you try a slip bobber at the bridge for trout? This time of year they suspend in 12 to 20 ft of water and can be caught with a slip bobber rigged that deep. Use a whole nightcrawler threaded up the line and tip the hook with a little chunk of powerbait. Cast out in front of the bridge and let the current bring it in. I often set my depth using the bridge rail as a guide. I have my knot set so my hook touches the water when my rod is perpendicular to the rail. I have caught a few walleye with this method. Also, casting a #7 shad rap across the second spill way and bringing it through the current often produces nice size bass. They hide behind the concrete blocks at base of the spillway and along the concrete walls. Good luck on your next trip there.
7/22/2014 4:17:00 PM
Oh i will have to try both of those, thanks and good luck to you also.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709