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Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Baker Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



This is my third try at the sockeye fishery. I must admit this is my first year and new to using a down rigger. I have followed the wise words of others who have been posting what has worked and yet I still have not had any luck. But then looking around at the other boats they have been having about as much luck as me. Today I was spotting lots of fish between 20-40 feet in the area of the lake north of Noisy Creek, yet no hookups. I was using two poles stacked on the down digger with 10 foot spacing, rigged with Dodgers, 10-12 inch leaders, pink smile blades and hooches tipped with shrimp than liberally covered with krill oil. 25 pulls behind the boat 1 mile an hour troll speed and around we go. Lines in the water at 5 A.M. until 10 AM. I do enjoy the views however fish on would be great.
So there you have it any suggestions would be great.



8/8/2014 8:19:00 PM
I haven't been there, but am reading and hoping. I'd probably do just like you. Tip - I go out with a guide in most every place I try. The guide is a professional and one I can trust more than my own new efforts.
8/8/2014 8:50:00 PM
At this point they have stopped trucking fish to the lake and its been a few weeks since good numbers were dumped in there. I bet their lockjaw from the heat, and from seeing same dodger and hoochie rigs 200 times a day everyday of the week. I've fished there 4 times this year and it has been slow overall. We had one good day when we had a double and fish after fish on the downrigger, then next week using exact same rigs we get skunked. Sounds like your doing everything right, thats just how fishing at Baker is.
8/9/2014 7:51:00 AM
Was out on Friday 8th too, from before dawn to 12:30 pm - our first time on Baker. Only picked up what appeared to be a kokanee, 9.5". Didn't see anyone else catching fish and talked to 3 folks afterwards who hadn't caught any either. Did see one guy Thursday afternoon cleaning what appeared to be a larger salmon tho.
8/9/2014 5:00:00 PM
Don I was out sat 8/9 from dawn to 11 we went 1 for 3 one small hen and lost 2 nice bucks one from the main line failure and one from the boat next to us fish got in to there downrigger cable had 3 more drive bys no hookup. With 6400 in the lake and more than half of those already caught makes for sloooooow fishing. I was using a cut down mini squid army truck (green pink gold) and fresh cured shrimp 50/50 dodger trolled 1.5 mph. It's a just happen fishery now if you run over fish it just might happen. There deep all our fish came at 45 to 55 feet down and the Shannon creek side worked for us. Hope that helps....
lazy C
8/10/2014 8:55:00 PM
Don I was up there on the 7th/8th. real slow caught 3 ,all at 40 to 50 feet same as bassplayer
8/12/2014 3:50:00 AM
I appreciate everyone's feedback, I'm thinking it's about time to start splashing around I the rivers.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709