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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Twin Lakes Lake Report
San Juan County, WA



76° - 80°
Top Fishing From Shore
Brook Trout
Floating Fly Line

Hiked over to Twin Lakes from the Mountain Lake campground in the afternoon to see what they had to offer fishing wise. Got to the bigger lake around 12:45 and saw fish rising consistently, although not heavily. I started casting an olive green woolly bugger from shore with my spinning gear and a bubble float, and my wife started with another black and white fly (I know, I'm terrible, I have no clue what it was called) on a similar setup. No bites, so I put a BB splitshot at the head of the woolly bugger to see if sinking would help. Still nothing, so we moved on. Eventually my wife found a downed tree sticking into the water and got a hit by working that small black and white fly near the branches, no fish though. I showed up a few minutes later from another spot I had been working and tried the same location with my olive woolly bugger and splitshot combination. A slow retrieve produced the beautiful 8 or 9" Brooktrout in the picture. Tried sinking some worms in the same spot, as well as another fly, but couldn't get any more hits. Moved on to the smaller lake but didn't see much there and had no hits that I could tell. Seems like the bigger lake is better.

Interesting fact: on an info board at the trail head from the Mountain Lake campsite it said that the twin lakes were last stocked in 1984, presumably with Brookies. Whatever is in there now has been going for 30 years without human intervention.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709