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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Tanwax Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat

In search of crappie, next lake on the list was Tanwax. Had only 2 short hours to fish and launched at 5. Cloudy with a light drizzle. Started fishing lily pad beds just off the launch and immediately got into crappie. All very small. Using the shy bite slip bobbers, 1/32oz jigheads with small tubes or trout magnets. My husband Danny stuck with the little red and chartreuse tube, and i would use small bits of worms on a jig head. Technique was a slow twitch of the slip bobber, and then let it sit for a few seconds. Crossed to the right side of the lake and started fishing that side at a small point. Continued fishing the edges of lily pads and wood. Casting in the exact same spot we lost count of how many fish hooked. Species included perch, crappie, blue gill, pumpkin seeds, bass, and trout. In search of bigger crappie we made our way farther north along the lake shore. Consistently hooking crappie and blue gill. Danny hooked a second bass that wouldve been his personal best if he didnt lose it at the boat. His crappie gear was no match for the pig. We continued to catch numerous panfish and trout. This lake also has some big blue gills! One I hooked was 8 inches! Our last spot before calling it a day Danny hooked a nice 10 1/2in crappie. Cant wait to go back and hopefully hook some more 10inch crappie. Just an fyi, most of the trout we hooked looked unhealthy. Some had growths or pale body with an unhealthy slime coat.


5/14/2015 1:31:00 PM
Way to go guys! Nice warm-up for what's just around the corner! (wink)
5/15/2015 7:14:00 AM
Biggest crappie we ever caught was from there. Best evening fishing for crappie trolling flies was there but that was several years ago. Maybe that is where I will take my grandkids next. Did you two get a boat?
5/15/2015 12:57:00 PM
great crappie fishing there. Did really good as far as numbers last week with the kids but not alot over the 8" min. size limit. Good for catching numbers with small kids but not so much for keepers.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709