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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Tye Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



41° - 45°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny
Hook & Bait
All Day
41° - 45°

Haven't been able to get out as much as I would have liked this Fall and Winter due to health and just plain "busyness" (who would have thunk that one could be so busy in retirement!!?). Anyhow, headed for Lake Tye at o'dark-thirty... arrived at 7:45, lines in the water by 8:00 AM. Air temp on arrival, a chilly 35 degrees... water temp at the shoreline was 42 degrees... thus, as soon as the sun made its appearance the lake was covered with a blanket of fog for the first several hours. Began fishing fl. orange Power Eggs on one rig, 3' leader... and marshmallows and nightcrawlers on the other, 3' leader. Nightcrawler hadn't been in the water more than five minutes when the tip of the rod began to dance... then doubled over... fish on! Reeled in a beautiful, sleek steelhead plant of 13". Re-cast, and ten minutes later, repeated the scenario, this a 12 1/2" 'er. Another re-cast, and fifteen minutes later, a twin of the second. By now it was about 8:45 and the sun had risen behind me and as soon as the light hit the water, the bite was off. Continued to fish the nightcrawler... a couple of light bites, end of 'crawler chewed off. Changed up several colors on the PE... finally, about 10:30 had a hit on chartreuse PE and reeled in a chunky Rainbow of 12" (only true 'Bow of the day). As the sun rose higher, the fog burned off and the trout seemed to disappear. Continued to try for my fifth, and finally, about 1:30 the 'crawler rod bent double and I reeled in the biggest of the day, a 14" chrome bullet... really gave a fight on my ultra-light rod! Left the lake about 2:00.
Really love fishing in the winter weather. The cold air makes one feel so alive and vibrant. Enjoyed the show put on by the waterfowl... hundreds of ducks constantly coming and going on the lake. Hundreds of Widgeon and Mallards, lots of Coots... a few Bufflehead and a small flock of Bluebills (Scaup)... about 9:00 a huge Swan landed on the lake and stayed for a brief visit... and the ubiquitous Canada Geese. Every so often the waterfowl would take to the air in unison as a Bald Eagle would fly over to harass them. The Mallards were putting on an X-rated show as they were in full breeding mode. Watched as dozens of flocks of Swans and Canada Geese flew over the fields to the west of the lake. The calm, crisp winter air was punctuated again and again all morning by the sound of shotgun blasts as hunters in the far fields were having great success with all the ducks flying around.
Saw perhaps 7 or 8 other fishermen & fisherwomen come and go through the morning. Saw two other fish landed while I was at the lake. PTL!


1/7/2016 7:31:00 PM
Good day on the lake!
1/12/2016 8:37:00 AM
So good to see your incredible journalist style of reporting! Stan you always manage to draw me in to your stories. Your attention to detail and the precise information provided is appreciated. I was not aware of Lake Tye, but that is understandable as I reside in the Lakewood/ Olympia area. I am hopeful there are great opportunities in these regions. I've been fishing on American Lake (Bill's Boathouse) several times, but really nothing to report yet. I'm looking forward to seeing your next reports.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709