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American Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


76° - 80°
66° - 70°

My youngest son and I trolled American Lake between 6:00 and 10:00 a.m. and managed 4 Rainbow all about 12" and 5 Kokanee - though one was released boat side due to small size, likely last year's fry plant. The Koke keepers were 9", 11", 13" and 14".
We were fishing 40' - 45' down the wire on the downriggers, and on top with the usual hardware. My son actually caught one of the smaller Kokes on a top rig which was a bit surprising.
The RBT bite on top was a lot slower than the preceding weeks, no doubt due to the heat - which kept us out there for a good stretch without filling the box too soon, and giving us a 50% Kokanee catch.


6/7/2016 5:17:00 PM
Thanks for the report. Did you notice if the kokes were clipped?
6/7/2016 5:37:00 PM
Toni - the kokes appear clipped, though they just came out of the smoker. I've got to tell ya, the meat on that cutthroat you caught and imaged for your report looks redder than the American Lake kokes - which are on the light side in terms of hue compared to years past. They used to be bright orange and now are just a tinge in that direction more than the RBT. Current Diet methinks.
the doc'
6/8/2016 6:54:00 AM
I remember years ago, while fishing an eastern wash lake, the brookies we caught, we so dark red, they looked near maroon. and, TASTY! most of the kokes i have got, tend to range in the "sunkist orange skin" color. A thought, has come to mind. and that is, with the change in our weather, this could help, or harm, the freshwater plantons, just as the saltwater ones. worst case senario, is that suddenly, the lake would be unable to supply the kokes with food. and, they could go go the way, of the passenger pigion. On the other hand, this could go the other way. Supplying them with more food then they can eat. Nice, fat fish, albeit spoiled, and for us, finicky.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709