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Colchuck Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



I Hiked off trail up and over the shoulder of Cannon Mt., descended to Coney Lk., ascended again, then descended to Earl Lk. on the Lost world Plateau. Mesa, Earl, and Shield lake all provided excellent action for small (6-10 inch) Cutthroats. I took them on a deer hair emerger pattern and then a green wooly bugger stripped just below the surface.
Sunday I made the trek up and out to Asgaard Pass and down to Colchuck. I fished the upper end, directly below the pass. Nothing.
I made my way around to the south side where the trail leaves the lake. There in a small cove with submerged trees/logs I had excellent action! Nice fish too! 10 -14 inches! (not bad for a high lake) Cutthroat mostly, but some looked like Cut-bows. Rainbow colors with throat slash. These fish were also taken on deer hair emerger and then those fish slaughtered a black wooly bugger. I fished it on a 16' leader and they would hit it as it sank after the cast. If nothing took it on the first sink, I would strip it in about 10 feet and let it sink again. Usually I would have a fish by then. That could be the last weekend of decent weather up there. The was some new snow in places that was starting to build up for the winter (drifts).
Good Luck to all!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709