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Angle Lake Report
King County, WA



51° - 55°
Rainbow Trout
46° - 50°

I've been anxious to try out my new little boat I had bought ( like I needed another one right!) so saw a window of opportunity this afternoon when work cleared up sort of early and was home by 4 pm. Recently purchased a little 4 stroke 4 hp Yamaha for it so wanted to see how it would perform on the water so hooked her up and ran down to Angle lake to give it a spin!

I had heard they recently planted about Angle with about 4000 catchables, so of course brought along some gear to put behind the boat while I figured things out! Got it down the launch and it glided off the trailer with ease so far so good! Tied it up to the new dock they have put in down there which makes it nicer when you are by yourself- after only a few pulls she fired up nicely and soon I was heading out into the lake to start my troll.

Had my fishing buddy fish finder set up with 2 rod holders so put back my first line with no weight 75 feet behind the boat with the same combo I did well with on lake WA which was the purple kokebow with RMT purple flasher tipped with corn. The other rod I tied on a "fishing with Gary" orange looking set up with spinner and flasher (forgot the name) tipped with pink gulp maggots.

Of course earlier when I went by the lake it was like glass but now there was a breeze blowing and a bit of chop on the water but nothing to tough to handle. Soon I got a nice hit on the purple hoochie and half way to the boat came unbuttoned! Darn but was fun seeing it jump back and pulling line! Not too long had another and this one jumped all the way to the boat before getting into the net! Boy this little guys are scrappy and fun to catch on light gear!

Did some figure eights back and forth across the lake and had 2 or 3 more drive-by bites. I was marking most fish up high which was expected and water temp at 49 degrees. Suddenly the rod with the FWG set up gets hammered and this fish makes some runs and jumps before finally getting getting close to the boat and in the net! Man these pack some punch for their size as the first was 10" and this one was almost 13" respectively!

Soon darker clouds were moving in and wind picking up more so decided to call it a night around 6:30 and now was the challenge on getting back on the trailer for the first time! Went smoothly so all in all a very successful first outing for Tin Cup JR! Still need to make some adjustments but I think by the time I take it over to E. WA it will be a perfect little boat for Moses lake and Deep lake while I am over there for 11 days of fishing, fishing and more fishing in May!!

See you on the water!!


4/5/2017 7:02:00 AM
Looks like a fun little set up.
4/5/2017 7:06:00 AM
Barry, great report for a favorite lake when I used to live only 10 minutes down the road. I think the last time I saw you was mid-summer 2013 or was it 14. Not a bad little boat you hooked up with. Is Big Blue still around? I live in Fircrest (Tacoma) now, but still plan on visiting Angle Lake again. Tight lines!
4/5/2017 9:39:00 AM
Salmonbarry so what make of boat is that? I like how deep the bow looks...
4/5/2017 1:13:00 PM
Thanks Andy! it is a nice little boat for sure!
@TBear- hey yes I remember you and yes that was I believe the year the park went through the remodel! Yes big blue is going strong and making the trip over the mountains in a couple weeks to participate in the Chelan derby!
@ tmanh2o- it's a smokercraft- I had one just like it that was a 14' before I got my 16' one- I have always liked their shape and how they hanldle!

Thanks guys!
4/5/2017 2:16:00 PM
Hey Barry, I was out there about the same time. White 10' boat with blue and red trim. I caught and released 5 and lost 2 in under an hour! Biggest was just shy of 12". I had my down rigger set at 16' and a long line back 70' with no weight. The long line did most of the catching with a green hoochie w/bronze blade tipped with corn and a dab of Mike's Garlic Scent. The DR pole was yellow/pink pattern and accounted for 2 of the encounters. Hope I recognize you next time!
4/5/2017 5:39:00 PM
Hi Barry - Looks like the new addition will work out just fine. Modern motors always make life better! Will miss seeing you at Chelan this year.
Tight lines brother - Alan
"The Experiment Must Continue"
4/5/2017 6:39:00 PM
Hey Eddie, I saw you out there and wondered if it was someone from the website! Yea I need to get my 'salmonbarry' stenciled on the side like Tin cup SR! Long lining seemed to be the ticket as I did start one of the poles with 3/4 oz weight and the one with no weight was getting all the hits!
Alan thanks and will miss all you guys too this year for sure but maybe when I am over in May for my fishing marathon we can 'hook up'!
4/17/2017 9:12:00 AM
Hey Barry, glad to see you are enjoying the old girl, I miss her but I know she has a good home.
Hope to hit a few lakes when we get back from Arizona.. Tight lines Bill
4/17/2017 10:52:00 AM
Hey Bill! Yes it is really going to come in handy over in E. Wa on Moses and great to have a back up boat to put into play when needed! I got a cute little 4 stroke 4hp Yamaha I put on there! Check out my latest report from lake WA!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709