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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



Pink Salmon

Went downto the beach and met up with Gringo Pescador, Quadfather, Howardi211, Fishndude for some good ol high tide pink salmon action.

Got there at 5:30, gate was closed and found Gringo waiting in his car. Gates opened around 5:40 and we were immediately out on the water.

First five minutes of getting there, we had a triple header! Quadfather and Gringo both had nice Coho salmon and I had a pink salmon on my line. First salmon ever for me so i near peed myself in excitement.

Unfortunately, it was the peeing that was the problem...last night's thai food didn't settle too well in my stomach so I had to run to the boys room.

Bite died off after that and I stayed out there til 10 AM or so with Howard and Fishndude and just enjoyed the water.

Anyway, looks like the pinks are starting to come in nice and thick from the reports I've been reading from Area 11 and the Creel report.


8/8/2009 4:54:00 PM
way to go on your first salmon! i think im gonna head down there in a bit and give it a try tonight
8/8/2009 8:00:00 PM
Thanks man. Yeah Mark told me you had been down there a couple nights ago or so. Mark caught two last night so you might have some good fish!
8/8/2009 8:11:00 PM
i need to catch my first haha. btw, you still have your scissors/clamp things on you while you took that picture =) so it could have fallen off on the car or something,.home?
Gringo Pescador
8/8/2009 8:32:00 PM
Didn't know you had a fish on until you started hollering. Then everyone in a 5 mile radius knew! It was fun just to watch you catch it. Good job!
8/8/2009 8:55:00 PM
was this at carkeek?
8/8/2009 9:21:00 PM
hahaha yeah Gringo, i near peed myself out of excitement. I saw that fish jump right between me and chris and i was reeling in to cast toward that direction when I had that fish on! at that point i was like FISH ON!!!!!! aw man, what a rush. You guys heading out tomorrow as well? I won't be able to make it tomorrow unfortunately but may this pink be one of many for me!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709