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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report



Bait Only

had another amazing day out sturgeon fishing went out early cause it was so nice out but when i got the kayak point to launch the boat there was all the commercial crab guys loading there boats and getting ready to go ruin our crabbing that starts in a month after a little bit my wife had our first stugeon on a solid 64in fish then went back and anchored up not more than 5 min she had another one on and gave it to my soon to be brother in law and he ended up breaking it off no biggy cause 5 min later my pole went off and we had a solid 62 in fish after about 10 min of setting back up my wife had hooked her third fish and this time we decided to leave the anchors out but because of all the pots out there this fish wrapped around a bouy but as our luck has been we went over unwrapped it and our fish was still there ended up being a nice 54in fish our first keeper we have caught a total of 18 fish on our last 5 trips out this year is great for us there was one other boat about 50 yds from us but they never got a fish i only keep one fish a year so this is our one but i will catch lots


6/6/2011 9:36:00 PM
Those are some nice fish!!!! Were you at the mouth of the stilly in the main channel? And were you using sand shrimp?
6/7/2011 12:51:00 AM
Nicely done Haverman! I'm guessing yes to sand shrimp and no to the mouth of the stilly. My two experiences (80 and 90 pounders respectively both reported on WALakes.com and released unharmed after the fights of my life) were out in Port Susan in some prime select spots my friend who is also a guide knows very well. Note where all the boats are Smokedsalmon when it's a low tide and you will then have the general idea where to fish.
6/7/2011 12:42:00 PM
no i never go to a river or at the mouth sorry i cant say the exact location do to it me taking 3 years to perfect all my ledges and holes to go to but yes fresh live sandshrimp like i go suck my shrimp out of the ground the day of fishing but it is very good right now out there and i have seen alot of boats out but none of them are even around me which i like to keep it that way but good luck to everyone and if i do see you out there i have a white alumacraft
6/7/2011 7:17:00 PM
God I wish my trip would of went half this good....
6/7/2011 7:45:00 PM
ok, thanks dave and haverman because when i fish their i see all the boats in the stilly. Are they in deeper then 10-15 ft.? and are you fishing a little ways down from port susan?
6/8/2011 12:31:00 AM
it all depends on the tide i fish in 2 feet of water and when the tides comes back in i can be anywhere from 2-15 feet the last 4 fish i caught were in about 13 feet of water but i was in 5 feet of water casting back into the hole when there is a huge minus tide i find it easier to catch fish cause it pushes all the fish into my area
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709