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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 11 Tacoma - Vashon Report


Pink Salmon

Got to Redondo launch and into the water around 10am, which is a little late for my liking. WIthin 20 minutes I had the first one hooked and was playing him on the ultra light rod set up with 6lb test. After a good deal of give and take, I finally had him up to the boat. I reached for the net and he took off again snapping the line and got away.... Next hook up was a good one only this one ended up in the cooler. Hooked several more during the day that shook the hook and got away. Fish and Wildlife was out checking boats again today. It is interesting to see boats scatter once they come into the area and make contact.As I was thinking of packing it in around 2 pm I hooked another one and not wanting to loose him I worked him over pretty good letting him run back and fourth until he was exhausted. Once I get him netted and along side I can see he looks a little different than the other ones. A quick look and feel and sure enough he has all the things I don’t want to see, black gums, teeth on his tongue, silver in his tail, and that goofy fin that says don’t fork with me. I gave him a minute or two to re-coupe and set him free. As the tide started to go slack on the low side the bay filled with a matted debris field of what could best described as sea salad with misc. junk and stuff. That pretty much killed the fishing for me and I headed back to the ramp. Here is where I could go into a rant about the less than bright, less than courteous, clueless boaters using the launch but I will save that for another day. All in all a good day on the water. Fished the shallows (less than 50 ft.) using a pink hoochie jig.


8/19/2011 8:28:00 PM
I went out today and it was like a washing machine out there! I know what you mean about that launch though~ I had to direct traffic a couple weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon to keep things moving so I could get my boat out! lol
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709