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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 11 Tacoma - Vashon Report


51° - 55°

Here's the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzU8QKkGG0I

Went down with a few buddies in hopes of reliving the good times of last summer. Ling cod is open so we had our jigs , soft plastic's and herring as well as our secondary weapon heavy shark gear for when we get bored. Started out in our usual spot out on Les Davis pier and got a few bites within the first hour on the jigs but couldn't get anything to stick besides a dog shark that my buddy hooked on a jig tipped with a herring fillet. Cut up the 31/2 ' dog into 1/3 's rigged one of them on the shark rod, steel cable an a 4 ounce weight cast that out let it set. The others two guys were still throwing jigs and cut herring searching for a keeper ling. Of course the only one of us without a steel leader hooks up but its only long enough to get a positive ID on it being about a 20" ling and then snap.... Shucks.... (That was on a white 5" grub). After that it was slow nobody got hit for the next hour and then my shark rod get bumped one solid time then nothing... 20 minutes later we were fartin' around at the other end of the pier and we all hear the clicker on the shark rod start screaming. Run over and its fish on. about 15 minutes into the fight is when the video posted above starts ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzU8QKkGG0I ) Mike or Arron i may need help attaching the video. The six gill is pretty warn out and twisted in the line by this time, i apologize for the video's poor quality it was quite a ways down to the water witch made it difficult to record on an IPhone in the dark but i figure its better than nothing. Carefully released what came to about an 8 footer off shore.By the way we were targeting salmon shark not Six Gill because they are illegal . We stayed for a while after that only catching a couple flounder on herring. All in all it was a pretty slow night for how we usually do but was really nice to get out.

Tight Lines


The Quadfather
5/13/2014 7:34:00 AM
Exciting report to read. I know that you said the video was of poor quality, but are you sure your video loaded correctly into Youtube? As I watch the video, you actually cannot see anything. It has some weird pixilation, and every once in a while you see some weird white shapes.
Nothing that you can identify as anything at all. If it is possible, maybe re-load the vid?
So, when you hook up a 1/3 chunk of dogfish, and toss it out.... have you typically had success for salmon sharks, or whatever larger shark you are targeting? To me this is a recipe for having nothing but crab eating your bait on the bottom. (That isn't a jab, I am just really curious) I would have thought maybe slow trolling a large chunk of meat like that, and keeping it off the bottom/crabs.
Kaptain King
5/13/2014 8:31:00 AM
That is a cool report. I had no idea people actually target salmon sharks off Les Davis?!! What time of night were you guys down there?
5/13/2014 11:08:00 AM
You're pretty much begging for a ticket.
5/13/2014 5:43:00 PM
Youtubes editing sofware gave it that odd pixilation, i fixed it but still its hard to make out the shark. At a more obviously stand point it's an 8 foot shark on a rod an reel at the bottom of the peir in the dead of night an were trying to land the shark safely with a total of three guys recording isn't the easiest of tasks but your welcome to join and record next time bud(: As for the success with salmon sharks we personally have had a couple extremely powerful fish (Assumming their fish) Take the dogfish and run steady , and fight more like a salmon shark and less of a Sixgill, more of a predatory shark but we didn't get any of those fish on top to deliver a positive ID. Other friends have told stories of catching smaller salmon sharks out there though. We don't have boats to accomplish that idea but the crabs and other bait fish i assume help attract the sharks plus there aint no shortage of dogfish so that isn't really a problem.

@Kaptain King
Thanks, and it gets best after midnight but there's a ton of theories that go along with it just like any fishing.
5/13/2014 5:49:00 PM
For anyone having problems viewing the video just copy and paste the website address posted above in youtubes search bar and it should work for ya.
5/14/2014 9:27:00 AM
I don't see how they're begging for a ticket...they aren't intentionally targeting illegal sharks and they released the 6 gill.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709