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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 5 Sekiu and Pillar Point Report



66° - 70°
Chinook Salmon
Mostly Sunny
All Day
51° - 55°

Had an amazing 3 day trip up to Sekiu fishing Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We go to Sekiu this same time every year and the fishing has never let us down. For the first time we took my 15 and 10 year old boys with and now that we are home that is all they can talk about. On Sunday we got onto the water about 8 a.m. after checking in at Olson's. We fished straight out in 500 feet of water and immediately starting picking up coho 40-60 feet down on the wire. We had no-stop action for about five hours with multiple doubles and even two triple hookups. Lots of wilds but plenty of hatchery coho and a few mixed pinks. We also hit alot of undersized blackmouth/chinooks.Ended the day about 2 p.m. with our limits of Coho for the four of us. Threw alot back trying to find the big ones. Second day we hit the caves at 5 a.m. and the fish were on immediately, we had a double hook up with a 7 and 8 lb hatchery coho's. we continued to catch the larger coho's throughout the morning but continued to catch and release so we could save a spot on the catch card for kings. About 3 hours after low tide we finally found the king bite at 80 feet on the wire. We caught one hog that had to have been over 30 lbs that took almost 30 minutes to get it to the boat and as luck would have it the darn thing was wild so after lots of anguish he was released.We had a couple more large kings on that we could not get into the net. we ended the day with a coupl smaller 8 and 12 lb kings. We also hit some of the larger pinks we have ever caught with once being 6lbs 12 ounces and the other 8lbs 4 oz. The weather for tuesday was forecasted to be great so we decided to take a break from Salmon and took the hour run up to Tatoosh to take the boys bottom fishing as they had never been before and always heard the stories of Neah Bay. Easy limits of very large Sea Bass in the kelp beds surrounding Tatoosh beautiful scenery and all and all an amazing time. In conclusion 3 days of amazing weather, amazing fishing, and 2 fish short of a 4 person possesion limit.

P.S. my 15 year old asked me: "dad how can you fish in the sound after fishing up in Sekiu"

Will add photos this evening


8/12/2015 1:23:00 PM
its fishing in the sound that makes Sekiu stand out so special LOL
8/12/2015 4:59:00 PM
Amazing report! Can't wait for pictures! Why do I have to work so much.........lame. ;p
8/13/2015 9:17:00 PM
Admin great fully added photos. Didn't get a chance to photo all the salmon. The boys started filleting before I could snap the photos
Fish on!!
9/16/2015 5:29:00 PM
Nice catch! I was just there at Sekiu last weekend and did not catch any bottom fish. Where in Sekiu is the best place for the bottom fish? Any information you can share is much appreciated!
9/16/2015 10:18:00 PM
We don't do any bottom fishing in Sekiu. We always run up to Neah Bay for our bottom fish. We have caught seabass mooching or trolling along the kelp beds in Sekiu
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709