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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Nisqually River Report
Thurston County, WA


Pink Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Went down here yesterday and the pinks were jumping all over the place! guys upstream from me were catching and landing at a steady rate and planed on a great day of fishing today but when I got there the stupid nets were out all over the place set by those dang carless people half an hour into trying to catch anything my brothers line got snagged wile he was reeling in as fast as possiable before the Indian ran over it and took it all! Never again will I fish while the dang indians are out!!!!!!!!!


Bob R
8/24/2009 5:38:00 PM
The "dang carless people"(sp.? I think most of those people have cars or at least trucks) fish the river 1/2 of the week. Nets are set Sundays at noon and pulled on Wed. at noon.That gives you 1/2 of the week to fish wihout those "stupid nets" which aren't so stupid as they seem to pull in a lot of fish. Speaking of lots of fish I've lived here and fished for over 30 years and since the tribes were given 1/2 of the fish and run both hatcheries on the Nisqually the returns have rebounded for both kings and silvers to numbers not seen in 40 or 50 years. So who is "dang carless" here? Most pole fisherman who do catch kings and silvers on the Nisqually are "flossing" the fish which is another way of saying snagging. Some actually catch feeding fish but their throats swell shut as part of their change as soon as they near the south sound. It's either aggressive reaction or an occasional feeder for the legitimite hookup.Don't get me wrong, I want the sport angler to get more of the quota then the scraps left over by the commercial and tribal split but we don't have the ability to corrupt (sorry, I guess I should say lobby) the people who decide such things as much as the comm. interests.The tribes get half anyway by law and treaty lanquage so they don't play the lobby game.
8/25/2009 11:12:00 PM
Thank you Bob R. There are so many people out there who are ignorant and quick to point the finger at Indians net fishing. Indians put more fish back into our rivers than they take out every year. There is a reason why they don't have nets in the water every day of the week. How would that benefit them if there were no fish to harvest in THEIR river? How many thouands of sport fisherman catch fish and don't mark them on their catch record cards. Like you said once these fish hit the river they don't eat anymore. Most of the fish that are caught are being snagged with their 6 to 7 foot leaders being yanked through the water. Ya that takes a lot of skill. I catch fish with bait in their mouth because they bite it. Not in the side of the head like some of these other fisherman. "Careless People." you should be thankfull for these people because without them their might not have been much fish in that river.
8/25/2009 11:12:00 PM
Thank you Bob R. There are so many people out there who are ignorant and quick to point the finger at Indians net fishing. Indians put more fish back into our rivers than they take out every year. There is a reason why they don't have nets in the water every day of the week. How would that benefit them if there were no fish to harvest in THEIR river? How many thouands of sport fisherman catch fish and don't mark them on their catch record cards. Like you said once these fish hit the river they don't eat anymore. Most of the fish that are caught are being snagged with their 6 to 7 foot leaders being yanked through the water. Ya that takes a lot of skill. I catch fish with bait in their mouth because they bite it. Not in the side of the head like some of these other fisherman. "Careless People." you should be thankfull for these people because without them their might not have been much fish in that river.
8/26/2009 5:10:00 PM
Sorry guys I did not mean to start an argument or anything I admit I was a angry that day and I can't find a way to delete my post so if you know how to that would be great help! But I did have one question how can anyone claim a river to be their own when the water comes from melting snow and ice? one can't really own water that would be like me claiming the air over my house as mine? Once again not trying to get anyone mad but I am just saying.
8/26/2009 5:39:00 PM
I see what you are saying, but their people were here before any other race. They were pushed off their own land if they wanna fish three times a week with nets than they should have every right too do so.
8/27/2009 9:07:00 AM
Just to clear things up, the Native American's don't actually pay for the hatcheries, Tacoma Power does. That said, they only net 1/2 the week and the river is open the other half. It's a set schedule (as mentioned by others), so just don't try to fish during that time. Now, as to how the NAs "own" the river - traditionally they lived off the fish in the river and it made a large part of their culture. It's really not something huge we've given them, so just let it go. Besides, you should try fishing the Puyallup, the fish actually bite there.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709