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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Blue Creek Report
Lewis County, WA


Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn

Hello everyone. just sign up to the forum yesterday. cant wait you meet everyone. just came back from blue creek yesterday(sunday) with two of my buddy in the morning. I went ther by myself last sunday and hook 6 and landed one; thanks to an great fellow fishermen name Duke. for showing me how to fish the fast water near the creek just north of the beaver pond. so hopefully I can show my buddy the same success. so we headed straight to the same spot, boy was it crowded. we though we were early.. so we wanted to intrede into others spot. so we move down near the beaver pond area and fishing for cople hours. "got Nothing". so we decided to go back to the spot to seee any opening. there were some space so we ask nicely if we can fish next to them. after about 15 cast. my friend Tim hook into this Huge Chromer.. it must have jump out of the water at least 6 times; after about 5 minute of marathon he finally landed her. he was so stoke.. all in all he"s the only one back fish home today. me and my other friend left without fish but hook and fought about 7 fish. but thats all good. we are totally fine with catch and release........ see everyone soon..


4/12/2010 7:56:00 PM
Dukes a great Guy I fish down there with him and Lanny two great guys always willing to lend a hand thanx for the report
4/12/2010 8:20:00 PM
Dukes a great Guy I fish down there with him and Lanny two great guys always willing to lend a hand thanx for the report
4/12/2010 8:52:00 PM
did they tell you fish that current with a 5 foot long leader? was everyone else doing that too?
4/12/2010 9:26:00 PM
everyone was using 10 to 15ft leaders; this is so new to me. i'm use to using the lightest gear possible. here we were using one and half lead ball and 15ft leader.
4/12/2010 9:28:00 PM
I was totally suprise Duke and Lanny was no there. in the very same spot today..
4/13/2010 12:57:00 PM
Did you mean to say 5 ft. leader or is 15ft correct?
4/13/2010 3:13:00 PM
10to15feets leaders..... is this leagl???
4/13/2010 5:12:00 PM
Ya, its legal. Some people think its morally illegal. Fish and game is trying to make a max leader length. The game warden I spoke with was pushin for 3ft. but that was a couple of years ago. We will see when regs come out next month.
4/13/2010 6:12:00 PM
I spoke to someone who said they are pushing for 5ft max
4/13/2010 10:26:00 PM
I also used to believe that flossing was a bad thing. I thought about it though and it did not take long for me to figure out that most people think flossing is the gear drifting horizontally, that sounded like it might maybe by a stroke of luck but i could see it happen. then i thought wait in fast water the corky floats the lead sinks, the lead catches on the bottom occasionally and can not possibly drift at the same speed as the hook and corky. this would make the corky in line with the lead going down river so the fish would have to be going sideways to get flossed by it. also the hook sinks and obviously so does the lead so an unpegged corky will float above the hook so if a fish bites the corky that is between the hook and lead the fish will look like it was flossed (hooked on the outside of the mouth) but it actually took the corky. but i do think fish do occasionally get flossed but not nearly as much as people think. thats just my 2 cents, not defending flossing at all just saying my thoughts.
tight lines
4/13/2010 11:32:00 PM
wow dylan are you a guide and know everything about drift fishing well let's here it buddy.
4/14/2010 12:37:00 AM
so Dylan. what is flossing? is it bad when it in the mouth. how is that bad? I was there in blue creek fish almost the whole day saw about 20 fish hooked. everyone was hook in the mouth, accept 2 was in the tail... so long leader is bad? and what exactly is the difference anyway????
4/14/2010 11:34:00 AM
First, please remember if people disagree with a techinque/action attack the issue not the person. An easy way to tell if a person is intentionally "flossing" is by their hook set. When some one takes two steps back while swinging over their head they are trying to floss. The reason for a hook set like that is to maybe hook any part of fishes body. That usually causes poor "hook to land" ratio. Thats were the issue of snaggin comes in, especially when they jerk like that every other cast. If they just swing the pole a couple of feet, they probably aren't flossin.
Rob G.
4/14/2010 4:16:00 PM
JERRY, JERRY, JERRY! This poor guy posts his 1st report and you guys hijack it with this? Come on fellas....I don't know either of you (I spoke to Jens on the phone once) but come on! take your verbal jousting to a PM or call each other and have it out....then kiss and make up and go kill some fish together.....can't we all just get along? LOL
Gringo Pescador
4/14/2010 4:57:00 PM
gone_fishing: Nice report. I PM'ed Mike to clean up the comment section of your report. Don't let the bickering if these two ruin your enjoyment of the site or get in the way of answering any questions you might have. If you have specific questions, put em up in the forums or send a PM or two.
Gringo Pescador
4/14/2010 5:00:00 PM
I forgot to mention, once you open a report, you can go back to it and delete any report comment you wish via the little [delete] button on the right hand side of each report comment.
Mike Carey
4/14/2010 5:36:00 PM
lets take the flossing debate to the forums please. And come on guys, like Rob G said, let's not ruin a guys fishing post with childish back and forth. Thanks.
4/14/2010 6:01:00 PM
sorry about goin on your report gone-fishing it was the first i seen the other day and i had enough of the other blue creek fishermen just needed to get it out. its good to hear you got a buddy steelhead fishing its probably the funnest thing in the world.
4/14/2010 7:47:00 PM
and tightlines no im not a guide im an 18 year that fishs legal and ethically. i work at lamiglas and i talk to professional steelhead and salmon fishermen almost daily and they fish for a bite. i asked them about the people who hook but miss 4 plus fish and they all say the same thing. they were either snagging or flossing. there is no way if your fishing legally and ethically your going to hook into more than 3 or 4 fish in a day and thats a lifetime day there and it will probably only happen only once more in your life time and it may not even be you.
4/14/2010 10:54:00 PM
I totally respect everyone comments; everyone is entitle to their opinion. isn't that why we join this forum in the first place right? we might not alway agree; but in the end; "We are talking about Fishing right??". I really grateful just have the time to go fishing. its my ultimate relaxation. I plan to head down to Blue Creek on Sunday; if anyone plan a trip there too. lets meet up; love to learn form everyone... take care jimmy
4/14/2010 10:54:00 PM
I totally respect everyone comments; everyone is entitle to their opinion. isn't that why we join this forum in the first place right? we might not alway agree; but in the end; "We are talking about Fishing right??". I really grateful just have the time to go fishing. its my ultimate relaxation. I plan to head down to Blue Creek on Sunday; if anyone plan a trip there too. lets meet up; love to learn form everyone... take care jimmy
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709