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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

got to the stilly this morning around 7am few people fishing down the river from me and my friend we both got our limits by 11am we used jigs with some smelly jelly salmon roe it was working great for the first time fishing the river hopeing for another great day soon real soon..


10/20/2010 6:02:00 PM
Stop at the store and pickup a copy of the fishing regulations and try reading them. Scent is not allowed in the Stilly!
10/20/2010 6:58:00 PM
Yep, under selective gear rules scent is considered BAIT. Watch yourself on the Stilly, enforcement has been nailing that river really hard. Barbless hooks too! That's a crappy ticket to get and spoil a wonderful day. Thanks for the report, tight lines.
10/20/2010 8:27:00 PM
where are you fishing?
10/20/2010 8:45:00 PM
ok thank you for letting me know about the scent i did use barb less hook i lost 4 fish because of that stupid rule but other then that i had fun and i fished of a private property my friends dad owns the land unless u got a boat there is no other way to get to the spot sorry guys
10/20/2010 9:47:00 PM
No need to apologize, just learn from your mistakes and keep up the good work!
10/21/2010 6:34:00 AM
Ok...I'm an east-sider so help me out.....looks like a lot of reports on the Stilly, and it looks like a big river. What's the best place to hit some coho?
10/21/2010 3:59:00 PM
There sure are allot of empty sand shrimp containers laying around for thewse rules that are in effect...
Selective Gear rules Only unscented artificial
flies or lures with one single-point, barbless hook
are allowed. Up to a total of three artifi cial flies or
lures, each containing one single-point, barbless
hook may be used. Bait is prohibited; fi sh may
be released until the daily limit is retained. Only
knotless nets may be used to land fi sh except
where specifi cally allowed under Special Rules
for individual waters. If any fi sh has swallowed
the hook or is hooked in the gill, eye, or tongue,
it should be kept if legal to do so.
Stilliguamish from Marine Drive upstream to forks
Closed wate rs - from water control structure/barrier dam (downstream of I-5) downstream 200'
ALL SPECIES - Aug. 1-Nov. 30: night closure. June 1-Nov. 30: selective gear rules.
All Game Fish First Sat. in June-Nov. 30 Catch-and-release except up to 2 hatchery STEELHEAD may be
TROUT Dec. 1-Feb. 15 Min. size 14". Daily limit 2.
Other Game Fish Dec. 1-Feb. 15 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON Sept. 1-Dec. 31 Min. size 12". Daily limit 2 COHO only.
10/23/2010 12:41:00 AM
read the reg's before u fish!!!
not just for the sake of getting a ticket, but dood, come on, theres massive amounts of smolts and other fish, i wish someone would use bait or scent in front of me on the stilly, i'd be on the phone with f&w faster than u can leave with your lisence plate number in hand, and trust me they go to your house take all our gear, your fridge and the vehicle used in transporting the fish

not tryin to be a d&%k but please play by the rules when it comes to retaining endangered species, its a privilege not a right
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709