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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skokomish River Report
Mason County, WA



Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Corky & Yarn
All Day

Had an alright day at the skok today. I hooked about 11, had 3 up to the bank, but due to a bad netter they all got knocked off, but i did get one bright hatchery hen to the bank. ABout 11-12 pounds. Anyways got out there at about 10 30, fishing was rather slow until 12 30 or so. I hooked into 3 during this 2 hour period. All got off, quite a few silvers showing up. Out of the 11 I hooked 7 were silvers-4 kings. There is a big push of bright kings in there right now, all kings I hooked were bright. Eggs were doin alright this morning until about 11, then every one switched over to corky/yarn. I just used my usual set up all day. While reeling in , 6 times I saw a fish chase it , but could never get them to hit it. The one i got wwas hooked on the tongue. I caught it about 1 45 or so. Lost alot of gear today :( . Well thats part of fishing. Helped another youngster hook into a fish today as well. He almost got 1, the other was just enough to get him excited. It wasn't slow, but not to hot either. Oh, also, one of my buddies caught an ugly CHUM today. Thought it was weird there was a chum up there already, spawned to. Then when i got home, my cousin and I walked down to the Union River (just looking NOT fishing), to play football. Looked at the river for a few minutes, and saw 13 chum up there already. Hmm...pretty early for chum i think. Anyways, had a good day and ill be out tomorrow. Hopefully get to post another report. Good Luck & Tight Lines.


9/10/2011 8:09:00 PM
Bad netter? I taught my 8 year old fast. Told her 'put the net in the water like this' (a bit under surface, angled a bit). I then told her to wait until I said "LIFT!!!" I told her when I said lift to lift as fast as she could, then I'd grab the net as soon as I saw the fish was within it. Of course that was with pinks so a whole different world on a big chinook. Nice job still hauling 'nooks out of there! U have been persistent and successful with that fishery :-)
9/10/2011 8:11:00 PM
PS- that's likely a summer run chum. Handle those babies gently please and let 'em swim ;-)
9/10/2011 8:38:00 PM
Hey thanks knot !

Yeah i can net pretty good and fast, just some people..noobs ! Lol, yeah we let the chum go , we lowered it down in the net and pushed it back out. Swam away freely ! Wasnt out of the water more then 20 seconds.
9/11/2011 4:48:00 PM
Great job. fb sound's fun. nice bright king u got there ass well! lol
9/11/2011 7:44:00 PM
ha, I guess im a pretty bad netter, hell pretty bad at everything today
9/18/2011 6:48:00 PM
This time of year you'll also see Chum in the Quillcene River. I've never seen a summer chum in the skoke but saw a Sockeye hen a few years ago. I have read on the WDFW site that they have a small population of river spawners.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709