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Lewis River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



Coho Salmon

So, it says it was a 5 fishing day... I only caught one fish but... it was my first keeper fish of the entire season and it was my first salmon... So for me it was a great day!! I made a ton of casts and was about to pack it in after 3 hours with one strike and made one more cast, The fish was about 28 inches long and maybe 9 pounds, I revived it after a great fight on my St. Croix Bass Mojo spinning rod. I was using 40 pound braid with a 20 pound flourocarbon leader and a 1/2 oz spoon with barbless hooks and rainbow colors. Fight was great and really got to show me what my St. Croix could do!! Epic day for me, Still looking to catch more fish than just one a day.

- For those who are going to say "Dont use braid in the river" I value your opinion but I will always use braid and it does not matter how many of you complain or tell me not to use it.


9/27/2011 8:06:00 PM
LOL well U aren't gonna break one off easily! I was using 6 pound mono for pinks until landing my first coho and switched to 10 pound mono. I gotta look into fluoro... Congrats on your first salmon being a coho! :-) Maybe keep your next keeper? But good on you reviving it if you are not into keeping the catch. Thanx for the report.
9/27/2011 8:46:00 PM
Thanks Knota, I use the heavy line cause I am a C&R fisherman, it was not clipped anyway and I am new to the whole salmon regs so I am unsure what is legal and what is not, also the actual hook insertion point was on the outside of the gums in the outer jaw, not sure if that counts as snagged or as legally hooked and so reviving and releasing was the order of the day. Trust me I would have enjoyed a fresh salmon dinner!
9/27/2011 10:06:00 PM
Good for you! Lewis river is hatchery kings and coho only. I like braid too, but sometimes fish are super line shy. Anywhere from the gill plate forward is fair game, and with spoons they're biting the spoon sideways sometimes and when you set it it pulls it through their mouth into the outside lip. Outside lip is better for live release anyway! You're hooked now!
9/27/2011 10:06:00 PM
I caught a pink salmon using my Mojo bass rod too this year. The rod did awesome.
9/28/2011 8:39:00 AM
Thank you for the report. My gf and I will be down this way in the next week and get on a guided trip. If you aren't hooking fish in the mouth than any other hook up is snagging. Gil plate forward rule is meant for snaggers. Where you fishing up near the hatchery by chance?
9/28/2011 8:59:00 AM
I know the gill plate forward "rule" is for snaggers, in the mouth or nothing! I was at the hatchery, in waders from the middle of the river casting towards the waterfall when I caught the fish, I read the regs last night and they don't say anything about gill plates forward so I know for sure I did right! Good luck out there!
Bob R
9/28/2011 5:55:00 PM
I agree that unless the hook is in the mouth it's a snagged fish, but a hook-up on the outside jawline is not a snagged fish in my opinion, I catch a lot of cuts and dollys that have obviously struck the spoon by way of the mouth, most of these predatory fish grab their prey by the back, leading the hooks to the outside of the mouth when setting the hook, but that forward of the gillplate garbage is just snagging . Great report, good comments as well.Bob R
9/29/2011 3:10:00 PM
Photo added.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709