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Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA


Float Fishing
Chum Salmon

I went to the Green yesterday(Monday) in search of some easy chum. Started at Metzler's and the water was up a bit and cloudy. Took a shot at seeing if fishd(chum or steelhead) were in but nothing was going on. I was only planning on fishing a few hours so decided to do some exploring on the river below Metzler's a ways. Hiked in a long way to a spot on the river which turned out to be fast water and not fishable. Bummer because it was not an easy walk. Before I gave up I walked up the river bank as far as I could and ran into a logjam that stopped my progress but was right between the river and some promising slack water. The logjam was sketchy but before I turned around I tossed my jig and prawn into the seam between the river and slack water. Bam! Fish on but now what? I was teetering on the log jam and the fish was 6 ft below and going nuts. I picked my way down the log jam until I was only a couple feet above the fish and grabbed my leader and got my jig back. Then I noticed there was some mud piled up against the log jam a couple feet under water that I could wade to and stand on....not a lot of room and sticky mud but I decided to see what happened. Sure enough I was hitting fish on virtually every cast but having some issues landing/releasing them because I was backed up into the log jam and in thigh deep water. I pinched down the barb on my jig to facilitate releasing fish and getting my jig back and also avoided vicious hooksets because my jig would fly into the log jam on any miss. Definitely some interesting fishing because I was always trying to steer fish out of the logs and debris and also trying to quickly hook the fish(without a hard hookset) so the jig was on the outside of their mouths where I could get to it easily with my pliers. Stayed there until I ran out of prawns and cold set in because I wasn't planning on standing in water continuously when I dressed. Would like to find a way to get to the other side of the slack water which could fish that seam without standing in the water and fighting the log jam. It also looked like an associated gravel bar went a long way up the river on that side which had some other fishable drifts that begged attention. Definitely glad I left the beaten path and found a little fishing heaven for the day.


11/29/2011 11:02:00 AM
Hey, djw0414 if you knew how to read, you would be able to see in the regs that bait is prohibited on the Green. Fish legally next time.
11/29/2011 11:15:00 AM
Bait is prohibited in certain date ranges on certain parts of the Green. It is permitted all the time in the area I was fishing(above the Auburn - Black Diamond bridge). Please read the regs more carefully before you question someone's reading skills and fishing ethics.
11/29/2011 12:23:00 PM
Damn Fish-Freak23 WTF BUD ! burn a phaty , eat a chill pill ! thanks for the report djw0414 the green is stacked with chum right now some bright 1's at that !
11/29/2011 6:37:00 PM
So that's where they are! We went all over looking for them the other day and could only find 'em at Soos Creek.
11/29/2011 10:27:00 PM
Heck of a fish story. Sounded like dicey fun considering you were all alone. How many fish do you recon hooking into vs landing? Good times.

As far as burning a fatty and chill pill-in goes.............pass it around and quite Bogarting!!!! LOL!!
11/29/2011 10:53:00 PM
I pretty much hooked a fish on all of the bits of prawn I had except for a few swings and misses which I minimized once I figured the game out. Probably took the jig out of about 15 fish and the rest self-released which was usually a relief. Probably 50 percent overall. Hardest part was trying to get to the jig since I had my 9' 6" float rod and I was standing in the river with no room behind me and deeper water in front of me. Had to set the rod in the log jam a couple times and count on the chum not taking off while I did the removal. Climbing through the log jam to get in and out was the diciest part and also realizing that the jam was moving slightly while I was fishing was not too comforting...... I think Snake was suggesting the fatty and chill pills to Fish Freak for jumping on my reading skills.
11/30/2011 7:55:00 AM
I did mis-read the regs, you are correct. Sorry for calling you on it. I won't eat a chill pill or burn a phatty because I am tired of all the scum fisherman who go to the rivers and ruin it for everyone else. People who snag, litter, fish w/ barbs in barbless areas, etc., all fall under the catagory of scum fisherman. I will call it out, even if I am wrong. If you don't like what I have to say....Too bad.
11/30/2011 11:19:00 AM
I gotta agree with fishfreak. I don't even fish with bait unless I am absolutely broken down and feeling worthless (which did happen last week :o) I just think it is more fun to catch fish on something I made.... all that being said, this quote made my day: "I will call it out, even if I am wrong." --> that is sum funny shiaazz, I would rather break a reg because I made a mistake, accept my error and learn, than publicly proclaim I don't care if I am wrong, I am still going to do it ... Mistakes happen dude, why harsh on the mellow. Now you don't have to take a chill pill or smoke a doob because I don't do drugs and would never ask another to, but consider a really nice bubble bath, perhaps a massage, Open up some of that left over Turkey from Thanksgiving and get yourself a little tryptophan fix it works for me.. I think we can all agree that most of the folks willing to comment round here are fisherman, mistakes and all. There might be some lurking snaggers reading reports and running down with loaded treble hooks looking to feed a family of 20 while buying beers with their DSHS cards but that has got to be rare. Most of them are too busy shopping on Ebay and Craigslist to to browse WA lakes for fishing beta.
Gringo Pescador
11/30/2011 1:22:00 PM
As always, nice report dwj0414. It is always great to find those little jewels and figure out how to fish em! Then to be able to test your skills that way as well, awesome! Others, dwj0414 was within the regs - if you have a problem with the regs - take it up with the WDFW, not here. If you think someone has posted a report of illegal fishing, contact one of the mods and we will check it out and take the necessary action (if there is any to take).
11/30/2011 2:50:00 PM
No problem Fish Freak. I make mistakes all the time and have no problem when well-meaning people point them out in a friendly manner. I just bristled at the insult about my reading ability. Hope to see you on the river someday.....maybe the Satsop. I noticed you posted a report on the lower Satsop which I like to fish. Peace out.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709