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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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South Fork Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



36° - 40°
Float Fishing
Cutthroat Trout
Hook & Bait

Got to the Jordan road bridge in granite falls at 8:00am and hiked downstream quite a distance until I found a nice hole. Drifted bobber and worm. First cast bobber down with a hard thump, set the hook... Nothing... Cast same spot nothing.. Move up the hole 5ft cast again bobber down. Set the hook.. FISH ON!! this,fish had,some weight on it though, I thought I had a steelhead on at first. Initially my drag was too tight and on my Ul 4# telescopic set up, that fish would've snapped my line. I lower my drag and fight the fish out, it took a minute or two, to my surprise lay a 19" dolly varden. It swam off strong and fast. My pb dolly varden so far. I cast again, same spot, bobber down. Again a fish on, again a dolly varden, but this, time only 16", I removed the hook while it swam off. After that I changed holes, I didn't feel comfortable catching that many Dollies, my target is cutts after all... Next hole same set up, cast, drift, bobber down, this time I finally got my cutt.. 12 1/2" too small :/ next 3 cutts 8".. then at 10:30 the sun came out above the trees and the bite was gone. Like a light switch being flipped. I left at 11:00.


10/29/2013 4:37:00 PM
The pic of the dolly didn't upload :(
10/29/2013 7:20:00 PM
I tried fishing for Dollies on the White Chuck up past Darrington but didn't get any. Water was too fast. You know of any good rivers to catch them?
10/29/2013 8:43:00 PM
In order to target them they need to be legal to retain... A good river to try is the sultan river.
10/29/2013 9:28:00 PM
The wallace river last year in january i nailed 3 huge ones! biggest went 6lbs, some people call it cheating i caught em on worms but idc, i caught fish haha! so jonb the sultan is good for dollies? i know some awwweeesssommme holes on the sultan to fish!! im gunna try steelhead there this year!
10/30/2013 9:47:00 AM
yes worms are the ticket.. good luck :)
7/17/2018 8:07:33 PM
The sultan?Where abouts to fish there?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709