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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


51° - 55°
Float Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait

decided to see what kind of access there was on the east side of the snoho just downstream from the 522 bridge at the southern tip of lord hill park. typical rocky shoreline and a big shallow water gravel bar. spent most of the day floating eggs under a bobber. no luck for me or any of the other 5-6 guys out there fishing both sides. fish were around, just not biting.

best part of the trip was finding a dick nite on the bottom and testing out my new waders all the way up to chest level while i tried to retrieve a stuck line. managed to snap my line at the bobber. bobberwas still floating and the line from there down stayed in place. waded out to it, twisted the line from bobber to hook around my rod tip and tried to pull in my gear. the hook was stuck on the bottom so i went to kick it off what it was stuck to with my foot. hook lodged in sole of my shoe. so i traipse back to shore with a hook in my shoe, the various lines all wrapped around each other and a big mess. saved all my gear tho. lol


11/1/2013 5:47:00 AM
LOL. I made a lure retriever I can use on my boat. First use I retrieved my lure, a black plastic bag and a green wiggle wart. The found lure had rusted hooks but the body was great. There must be a ton of lures on the logs and rocks in the Snoho.
11/1/2013 10:56:00 AM
There are tons. I spent a day strictly just looking for lures on peak humpy season and found 23 jigs 8 buzzbombs 5 wiggle Warts 2 flatfish 1 dick night,and whole bunch of corkies and spin&glows....I've done this on other years with similar results. I've found wierd lures too, I found a hula popper for bass fishing and illegal gear with treble hooks.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709