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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



51° - 55°
Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Started off going to the wallace first thing in the morning and on the way to my hole i realized that the water was so low that most of the river was land so we left right away. So we drove to monroe about 20 minutes after you can fish and I got a nice brighter hen around 7lbs in the first 30 minutes after i got there. No body else was catching anything and i saw people come and leave and a few people hooking up. The wind was pretty bad cause we saw around 5 trees fall on the other side fall into the river, and it was really loud but cool to see. As the wind increased we fished for a little while more and then i hooked up and i knew this was a hog! This fish took me down then, then got it back in the hole and around 40 minutes later, yes a hard fight my uncle netted it and i yelled CHUM! It was pretty cool to get one and it was a monster, around 20-25lbs. Took a few pics and realsed it. About 10 cast later,another fish on and right away it jumped and i saw chrome so i didnt know what it was maybe a steelhead? The fish jumped about 10 times and it was awesome and another chum but this was a chrome hen. Landed here a took a few pics. What a awesome day and i also saw a steelhead in the morning when we first arrived in the shallows.


11/3/2013 6:35:00 PM
Great day of fishing, but please don't take any fish out of the water that must be released. FYI all of the Snohomish system is closed for Chum this year.


11/3/2013 6:44:00 PM
Yeah dont worry I didnt keep them and i kept them in the water
11/4/2013 8:07:00 AM
Wow glad chum are in the river i could use a good fight! What were you using and i didnt think they would be in this early, Any tips would be nice Thanks!
11/4/2013 4:59:00 PM
I was using a orange red corky but I would imagine a pink corky and purple yarn would be better but since I was fishing for coho I ws using oranges. The chum should be in thick in a little bit so just hit them when there in.
11/6/2013 9:14:00 AM
Did you just float a corky and yarn like yopu would a jig under a float?
11/6/2013 9:19:00 AM
And if you dont mind me asking wehre you were fishing or at least how high up on the Sky
11/6/2013 1:39:00 PM
When using corkys and yarn you use a weight attached to a swivel which i prefer using pencil lead which you buy in a roll at any fishing store, then you use a leader anywhere from 3 ft to 6ft depending on the water clarity. And i have been fishing right out of monroe.
11/7/2013 7:11:00 AM
So you just drift fish it? I have never used corky and yarn before, so do you let if drift with the current or do you kinda plonk with it and let it sit on the bottom. And can I go online to see how to tie the yarn on the setup?
11/7/2013 6:05:00 PM
Yes you just drift it and make sure you have enough weight to tick the bottom and make sure you feel the bottom. Yes you can see how to tie the rig but I would buy a book called drift fiahing secrets by timothy kusherets because you learn ao much. Good luck
11/7/2013 6:26:00 PM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709