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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Fly Fishing
Sinking/Floating Fly Line

To start: WE WON THE SUPER BOWL HELL YEAH SEAHAWKS. ok here's my report. Where are all the winter steelhead? Oh where could they be. It's been a slow year. They are probably waiting for the river to close and come in with all the wild steelhead. I can't complain to much since I have been able to put a few in my freezer. Enough of that. I stayed up late tying a few flys and thought I'd take them for a test drive. Hit my the river at sun rise. The river is low and clear. First I set up with my white and black fly. I caught a cutthroat and set it free. Fished that fly for a hour and caught 5 cutthroat. Set them all free. I changed to the orange fly and moved down river to a small log jam. I could see movement in the water. I flick my fly out there and fish on first cast. The hook must of hurt cause it took off and started stripping my line. I got a total rush thinking I might of got a steelhead. I play it out for awhile. 10 minutes and I was able to see my fish for the first time. A late Coho about 11 or 12 pounds. I finished bringing him close enough to set him free. He had a lot of fight left in him so it took me another 10 minutes befor I could even grab him. I grab him by the tail and remove the hook and let him go. Freedom he must of been wore out cause he stayed at my feet or next to me for 20 minutes. I thought it was a nice chance to take a picture. I fished that spot for about half a hour befor another Coho. I could see in the mix of red there was two chrome fish of descent size. I had one last fly to try. My white and pink one. I tie it up with a new tippet. Seeing there was a not in old one. I start flicking my last fly a few times befor I got another bite. I came up short tried to set the hook to fast. I fish for another hour and I finally get a bite by one of the chrome fish. She came out of the water for me and I could see my fly in her mouth. Nice jump as she turned her head I set my hook and the fight was on. She didn't like the way I set the hook. She started swimming right at me and I couldn't pick up the slack. Right past me down river she went. I'm still trying to pick up the slack thinking I'm going to lose my fish. The fish swimming down river away from me my ling tightens up. My heart beats faster. I'm thinking I'm going to lose her. And bam no more slack. Almost pulled my pole from my hands. I don't know how she didn't spit the hook or break my tippet. I play the fish for what seemed like forever. Thinking I could lose her if I over play her. finally get her close enough to see that she was a wild fish. I get her up to me to find I set the hook so good. It took awhile to pull the hook with out hurting her to much. I let go of her tail and she's off. Just like at the races. I'd say it was a great test drive and I still have my flys for another day. After fighting her my arm was burning and I was cold. I thought I'd call it quits a good day even though I didn't get to keep my steelhead

Tonight I'm going to make some Seahawks flys. Team colors might catch it Chinook or Coho.

Living is fishing. Tight lines


2/7/2014 10:09:00 AM
Great story and report! Congrats and thanks!
2/7/2014 12:09:00 PM
good report. nice flies, obviously working.
2/10/2014 9:27:00 PM
What rod and line setup are you using?
2/11/2014 3:39:00 PM
Hey there fisherben. Rod is a Cabela's RLS #8 reel is a RLS+3. I'm using Cabela's Prestige Plus floating line. Tied to RIO Products 9foot 10lb tappred leader. A strike indicator about 6 to 7 foot from my fly. A small split shot where my leader meats my tippet. The flys are hand made marabou's really more of a jig. I also use alittle salmon egg sent. The set up has become my favorite rod to use
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709