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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Drift Fishing
Mostly Sunny

Got to the hwy side of reiter and there were cars lines down the hwy. I parked and walked quite a ways down river to find a small spot with no luck. There were so many people fishing. Im not 100% on night closure but Im pretty sure you cant start till an hour before sunrise which would have been around 4:13AM and there were tons of people fishing at 3:30AM. There were people with headlamps out on rocks out in he river, so I figured all of the fish would be spooked, not to mention the crazy low water level.
After I walked back up to my truck to see about another 10 cars behind me, I headed down river to fish near the mouth of the wallace. I caught a chrome hatchery king about 6 lbs or so but quicky relased it since kings arent open according to the changed regs. I hooked into another 3 or so kings using barbless to ensure if I hooked one itd be easy to release. I floated using live sandshrimp and pink n white jigs, and drifted corkies and spoons, the kings hit the spoons. There we many kings jumping, most very chrome, but no steelhead.


6/1/2015 3:17:00 PM
What spoon(s) were you using?
6/1/2015 3:51:00 PM
Reiter is a Circus. out grew that about 30 years ago.
6/1/2015 11:04:00 PM
Thanks for the report. I scoped it out yesterday, but decided not to endure the crowds today.
Incidently, I saw some dudes poaching yesterday at Hwy side, and they caught and took home a nice steelie. I didn't want any confrontation, so I left it alone.
Catch and release of kings sounds fun. Happy fishing!
6/2/2015 7:59:00 AM
FishingTenor: I talked to someone on the river yesterday who said they heard of people poaching a night or two before opening who walked away with about 4 to 6 steelhead. I wish these people would get caught, along with netting being allowed in the bay for fish we arent allowed to keep, absolutely ridiculous. There are so many things wrong with the fisheries and their "protecting" of the fish.
Obi-jonKenobi: i was catching the Kings on dick nites with silver in them, hopefully they open Kings shortly. I might try the upper skagit or Cascade River this weekend to find some Kings I can keep, or maybe try the Sky again since I have seen one hopeful report recently added.
I am going to keep the poaching number on speed dial this year, I am getting real sick of not catching fish I can take home while tribes and poachers reep the benifits. I cant keep just 2 to 4 fish while others get to destroy our ecosystem.... something isnt right there.
On the optimistic side. Tight Lines and good luck fellow law abiding anglers!
6/2/2015 8:52:00 AM
I heard of people going into the highway side at midnight. Sportsmanship be damned. It gets ugly around there. Be careful tying into kings, if a warden thinks you are intentionally targeting a closed species, even CNR, they'll give you a ticket.
6/2/2015 11:41:00 AM
Thanks, appreciate the info.
6/2/2015 4:35:00 PM
Night closures are not a reg this early in the season. The night closures usually go into effect when they open the rivers for salmon. That being said I still wouldn't fish the darkness for steelhead or salmon as it is to difficult of Condi for me. For those who do fish at night I don't see any advantages besides being alone on the river. In my a recipe for disaster!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709