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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Pink Salmon
Mostly Sunny

Put kayak in at Cady Park, Snohomish around 1700. Didn't go far, just upstream to other side of RR bridge. Threw metal for awhile and tried some jigging...no luck. Packed it in around 1830 and as I was paddling across the river, a couple of fish rolled near me so I grabbed to pole quick and flicked the jig (pink/pink with shrimp oil) out. Two twitches and fish on. He pulled the kayak across the river and was headed for some stumps/pylons. He finally tired of hauling my lard arse and I was getting him in close. Look like a Chum so I was positioning to release him when a freakin' sea lion snatched him. I'd seen them in the area for awhile, but didn't expect it'd come that close to the kayak. Pole did an Ugly stix demonstration, but I was quick enough to cut the line before damage. I rated this a four because it was the coolest non-fish catching experience I've had fishing!


The Quadfather
8/18/2015 8:09:00 AM
"Ugly Stick demonstration" I like the sound of that. Sounds like a day you'l remember.
8/18/2015 8:26:00 AM
Great story, 5 Star.
8/18/2015 12:04:00 PM
Very cool,...great reaction to not test the limits on your pole!!
8/18/2015 1:51:00 PM
are you allowed to feed the seals?
john maher
8/18/2015 4:09:00 PM
Cool and not cool at the same time if you know what I mean. Saw one down at the park down near Everett....name escaping me now, but there is a boat launch there. Sea lions are definitely a problem. We've seen them up in the Skykomish by Lewis Street before.
john maher
8/18/2015 4:09:00 PM
Cool and not cool at the same time if you know what I mean. Saw one down at the park down near Everett....name escaping me now, but there is a boat launch there. Sea lions are definitely a problem. We've seen them up in the Skykomish by Lewis Street before.
8/18/2015 7:46:00 PM
That happen to me wading the duwamish for Coho last year. And this seal just swim to me and back in a split second. I felt the wave that seal make and made me get off the water as fast as I could. Its a scary moment of my life. Now I am staying on rocks at the holes I know seals are gonna be around. Hehe
8/18/2015 9:42:00 PM
I remember reeling in a nice sized King out of LA Push when I was 12 years old only to have a 7ft Blue Shark grab it at the side of the boat. Somehow managed to hook the shark. Was nearly pulled overboard. Finally got it close to the boat and my Dad wanted to cut the line. I wanted to keep it...........needless to say, we towed it back and someone stole the jaws out of it that night while it was hanging on the dock. That was more of a shock than when it first bit..........
8/19/2015 11:44:00 PM
Arcticrotwiler: I think you could have had some nice surf riding, if you just hung in there with the sea lion. haha. Bad idea. Glad you got out of that one safely. Same with Huli_isda. Scary. Damn Sea lions. I hate the carnage they leave behind some times.
8/20/2015 8:32:00 AM
Gee Thanks (@FishingTenor) now that idea will be stuck in my head for next time!!! My "Holy Sh*t!" reaction prevailed over my GenX thrill seeking this time. Although that line does need to be changed and it'd be a quick way to unspool it. (Not really folks, I wouldn't want the line polluting the system and endangering critters.)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709