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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

This report has been a long time coming, but I finally managed to exorcise another demon of mine today. This particular demon just happened to be chrome plated, complete with a set of fins and an insatiable desire for my hand tied light blue/dark blue maribou twitching jig. I should also specifically mention that this aquatic adversary lived in the Stillaguamish River. Two years ago I hit the Stilly hard during October, primarily fishing dick nites. No fish. Last year I fished it less, but still made a few trips, mostly twitching jigs and tossing spinners. No fish. I had not yet caught a Stilly Coho. As it so happened, I got off of work this morning and found myself with a nice chunk of time. Deciding to take advantage of this opportunity, and wanting to give the Sno a rest, I headed out to my old Stilly haunts down near Blue Stilly Park. Twitching my way through the run with a black/purple jig produced nothing. Heading back to the top I tied on a black/pink rabbit fur and got back to work. Part way through the drift I had an old pink show interest. At least it was something. Landed and released, I continued on until I snagged and lost that jig. During last year's season I remember receiving a tip that blue can be good on the Stilly, so on went a two toned blue maribou twitcher. Still no love. Moving on, I crossed the river and headed down to Agua Incognito, still in search of that first Coho. Finding a nice seam next to some good looking frog water, my steady twitch was abruptly stopped by the very welcome interruption of a Coho inhaling the jig. Battle ensued, with the stakes as high as two years worth of expectation can afford. Giving the fish room to run, I slowly started easing it up into the shallow water of the gravel bar I was on. Despite some final theatrics and aerobatic death rolls, my hook set held true and I quickly dispatched my worthy adversary. The curse of the Stilly Coho is gone at last.

Tight lines!


10/8/2015 9:17:00 PM
Nice job mr. Fishdude!
10/8/2015 9:22:00 PM
Thanks jonb. Now I just need to get at least one from the Sky and one from the Wallace, and all of my normal stomping ground rivers will finally have their Coho curses broken.
10/9/2015 1:15:00 AM
That was a great write up. Entertaining and articulate. You could submit that piece to Field & Stream. :) How are they doing at Haller Park?
10/9/2015 1:52:00 AM
A friend and I would like to meet other local responsible fishermen to fish the Stilly with. Mornings or weekdays preferred but not limited to.
10/9/2015 8:29:00 AM
AJFishdude, Did you see any coho jumping or was it pretty slow. I know the last few weeks have been dead on the stilly because if lack of rain, im just wondering if there have been fish that have moved in? And what area of the Stilly? Ive gotten one this year from there so far about a month ago. Ive been on the Snoho Even though I live in Arlington right now just because of how slow its been.
10/9/2015 8:54:00 AM
Great job on your first Stilly Coho, great report as always. My first Stilly coho was a hog 4 years ago, I remember it well.
10/9/2015 9:02:00 AM
Right on Alex way to break the curse! Not to mention there are not any numbers in the stilly yet. Yesterday I was at the hole we fished at together before and did not see a single silver roll. went to haller and same thing no rollers...caught pinks only. Only been a few silvers here and there. I think most the people I show that jig to, think I am bs ing them. If I recall we fished together last year and you saw it in action. I have taken more coho from that river with flo blue then any other color.....don't know why but it flat out works. I like that it is a color that is not a mass produced jig, so it is not in every tackle box. This is why we hand tie our own jigs...we can make what works instead of looking for it on a shelf! Let me know next time you make it up this way and I will try and meet up with you on the river. I am just about a mile from haller.
10/9/2015 2:20:00 PM
@Bobber_Dogging_Gal: Thanks for the comments. I have only fished Haller Park once (last year), so I cannot comment on how they are doing. This was my first trip to the Stilly at all this year. We could probably meet up on the river at some point. I'm no expert at Stilly Coho fishing though.
@Fisherman92: There was very little surface action. There were a couple rises which were probably trout, maybe two rises that I think were pinks, and one solitary jump that was probably a Coho. That's all I saw in about two and a half hours. I was fishing between Blue Stilly Park and the I-5 bridge yesterday.
@goodtimesfishing: Thanks! It was your tip on the blue from last year that made me switch over yesterday. I haven't heard from you recently and was wondering if you had been having any luck. I remember this time about two years ago there were a good amount of fish in the system, but there definitely seemed to be less last year and less this year comparatively. Do they tend to come up the Stilly later? The Snohomish is definitely stacked right now. I'm going to be spending some time trying to get fish out of the Sky and the Wallace as the season moves on, but I definitely would like to hit up the Stilly another few times before the season is done. I'll send you a PM soon.
10/10/2015 6:54:00 AM
Bobber_Dodging_Gal: I fish the stilly all the time, mostly in the Hollar park or Blue Stilly park areas. Actually will be at blue stilly this morning (Saturday). Drop me a line if you want someone to show you the area.
10/12/2015 11:46:00 AM
Glad to see someone else likes Blue & White! Used to hammer fresh in river Coho along the lower section of Norman Rd with home tiedBlue & White dressed with tons of Mylar and a Silver Horde clear UV skirt! FWIW this post is old at the moment but it was slooooooow recently and I only hope the Stilly drops into shape by Thursday the 15th of October! Mid October on has always been my favorite time of year on this river! Oct 15th 2011 my best Coho was 18# 13 oz!
10/12/2015 11:46:00 AM
Glad to see someone else likes Blue & White! Used to hammer fresh in river Coho along the lower section of Norman Rd with home tiedBlue & White dressed with tons of Mylar and a Silver Horde clear UV skirt! FWIW this post is old at the moment but it was slooooooow recently and I only hope the Stilly drops into shape by Thursday the 15th of October! Mid October on has always been my favorite time of year on this river! Oct 15th 2011 my best Coho was 18# 13 oz!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709