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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Whatcom Creek Report
Whatcom County, WA



Drift Fishing
Chum Salmon

Hit the river this morning while my wife got things ready to head over to eastern Washington for this thanksgiving holiday. I was looking for hens to get eggs to cure as I have had none in awhile and want to try for steelhead soon. Hooked about 20+ fish with most foulhooked as it was impossible to drift my gear with the amount of fish that were choking this little creek. I must have legally hooked only about 1 out of 3 fish that I landed. Almost every cast I hooked a fish and at times wouldn't even go 3 casts without hooking up.

I fished opposite of he wall as I don't like extreme combat fishing and surprisingly I had plenty of room to move around. The ppl on the wall were fun to watch lol with a lot of "coming down" being yelled. (That just isn't for me) I used my steelhead rod with only 10lb mainline and my float rod. Hooked 2 on float and jig with most hooked with an orange bead and orange yarn. I must say it was a blast with my arms tiring towards the end with this light gear. Most were using what looked like heavy rods and 20lb plus mainline. A little overdoing it in my opinion.

These fish got power and would take some amazing runs before I would be able to land them. The first 2 bright hens I hooked legally I decided to leave as knew the wife would be waiting on me to make the long drive over the mountains!


11/25/2016 11:00:00 AM
The only thing I dislike more than snagging into (not intentionally-why anyone would is crazy to me) a chum salmon is a big bright coho. I have had my thumb burned, spooled a couple times, and ruined an Ambasaduer baitcaster doing so. Even with legal hooked chum, I have been standing there waiting for my arm to stop throbbing in pain, so I could continue to fight the fish. Fun stuff. Fun fish. Thanks for the post
11/25/2016 11:00:00 AM
The only thing I dislike more than snagging into (not intentionally-why anyone would is crazy to me) a chum salmon is a big bright coho. I have had my thumb burned, spooled a couple times, and ruined an Ambasaduer baitcaster doing so. Even with legal hooked chum, I have been standing there waiting for my arm to stop throbbing in pain, so I could continue to fight the fish. Fun stuff. Fun fish. Thanks for the post
11/25/2016 3:31:00 PM
Lol I hear you. I would get a little upset whenever I foulhooked one as it took longer to bring them in just to release it. I spent more time fighting fish then actually fishing
11/25/2016 7:55:00 PM
I call that pain "chum arm".
11/26/2016 9:53:00 AM
Nice fish, gl on the steelies. I saw 6 to 8 seals in there a week ago. The chum were not biting & blasting around trying to avoid the seals & lures. Saw a guy hooking them with a float & jig downstream of the madness.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709