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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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13 - Lake Wanapum Report


Smallmouth Bass

Tried fishing Wanapum this past weekend, I've been fishing it occassionally (2 or 3 times a year) for the past 5 years, pretty much the same result - only a few fish caught. The only place I can find smallmouth are right along the I-90 bridge (specifically underneath it on the west side). My fishing partner and I caught 3 each on Sunday - none of which were over a pound and a half. All the fish were caught when we first got on the water - from 7:00 to 8:00. We fished until about noon on both days. Saturday we were skunked.

We typically troll crankbaits with the electric as that is the only way we have had much luck. The best lure we have found has been a green rapala shad rap (Baby bass I think). We have tried casting plugs, and soft plastics but have only caught a few fish in total for all the times we have been out there.

Other places we have tried are the sand hallow where a creek empties in to the river on the west side about a half mile south of the bridge (caught a few there a year or so ago), just out from the State Park boat launch on the south side of the sunken island (haven't caught anything there but have marked a bunch of fish), on the east side up close to the dam where an old boat lauch exists (caught a one or two there a couple of years ago) and finally we have tried along the rip rap near Getty's Cove (west side of the river near the dam - no luck there).

I have heard there a walleye in the area too but I have never caught one. Anytime I troll worm harnesses the only thing I catch are squaw fish.

I'm really interested in learning the area better as we have a place at Sunland (north of the bridge - maybe 4 miles). Any info / tips would be appreciated.




10/5/2010 11:44:00 AM
If you have a place at Sunland, launch there and run up near the dam and try your hand at some walleye. It used to be one of those secrets that no one shared and in the winter months guides would have clients pull out some large 10lb+ fish.
10/5/2010 12:48:00 PM

I've done that with a guide - got a 12lber. I had hoped to continue fishing the area but to get there I would have to find out how to get the boat past all the rocks on the way up there. I just had a friend ruin his outdrive trying to get to the dam. Since I haven't figured out the way, it would require towing the boat all the way up to Wenatchee and across the bridge to the only boat launch that is close to the dam (and beyond the dangerous rock area). Since I typically have a time limit on my fishing trips, I'm trying to find some good fishing closer to Sunland.
Have you tried it up there?

10/5/2010 7:55:00 PM
Dan, I grew up in Quincy and used to do a lot of walleye fishing around there. Most of my time was spent in Moses Lake or Evergreen. However, every once in a while we'd haul my boat down to the Sunland launch and troll worm harnesses on the flats right out in front of Sunland. To give you an idea how far from the launch we fished, I had a 10' Livingston with a 35pound thrust electric motor. :) We didn't always catch fish, but did have some pretty memorable days down there. I remember one particular trip where my buddy and I limited, and each of us caught 2 fish a hair over 5 pounds. That was 20 years ago and still one of my best walleye outings ever. Good luck!
10/8/2010 9:52:00 AM
What we all need to do is get the Grant County PUD and/or WDFG to start managing the Wanapum pool for smallmouth and walleye. Once they learn that these two groups can generate just as many dollars as the rainbow, salmon, and steelhead crowd, we might get some grease. Let your policiticans know your interest!
9/10/2017 10:14:01 PM
I was told Walleye are caught right below Rocky Reach Dam where they eat the bait fish that get shot through the turbines. Current can be treacherous there. I've given up trying to find them myself and am buying a fishing map of Wanapum Lake if I can find one. I have a place a Crescent Bar and a big Walleye fan!

9/11/2017 9:13:16 AM
If you find a decent map, please let me know. I've been looking for years.

I've yet to touch a walleye myself. I think they are in there... Do you ever fish for bass at Cresent Bar? I've heard it is pretty good there. I have yet to stop by and give it a try.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709