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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



31° - 35°
Surface Lure
Under 40°

Had an old high school buddy come up from Portland and plan was to share a slice of our treat here in our back yard in Washington. We departed wenatchee at 0500, and made way to Spring Canyon. Roads turned to ice about 3/4 of the way there and made it a little longer drive time, nontheles we arrived safe and sound, got the boat set up and put in. Conditions were high fog bank about 200 to 300 feet up and socked in good, air temp was low thirty's, tow 39, slightly breezy with a nice chop. Pulled out of marina at 0800, and put the gear in and trolled out to center of lake. It wasn't five min. We had two drive bys, then at about 8 min fish on, buddy was working the fish in and as it appoached the boat, I seen it was the biggest silver I have ever seen! It was all I could do to stay calm! Like clock work one scoop and in the boat was a 3#13oz 23" silver. I couldn't believe it, and my buddy didn't know what to think, we.couldn't keep the rods in it was so crazy fast action. It finally got glass calm and the switch was off, we would get one here and there for the rest of the day, ended up throwing several nice18 inchers or so back since we thought we only needed two more. Around 4 o'clock, we ran up to the basin and checked it out. I started getting the fish out and ready to clean, and all we had was 7 rainbows, we laughed and said we both got the same education and skipped math class. We ended the day with 3 silvers and 9 rainbows. Buddy was quite impressed with our gem of a fishery. We spent the night and grand coulee center lodge and had a great night stay and got up and ate at flo's and back on the water by 0730, had our 10 by 10am and loaded up and back home to wenatchee by noon to get my buddy on his way home.
Everything was caught on top and our rang of speed was 1.7 to 2.3 mph. Anything worked and any color was good too as long as it was an orange rapala =-)
Awesome trip!!

One question, any one know what the sea lice like critters are on almost all the fish, and what the scoop is?
Be safe,


1/26/2015 8:25:00 AM
WOW! What a great couple of days you and your friend had. Especially the big kokanee you were able to catch. I so hope to be able to get over there soon to give it a try too. My main motor on my boat quit, so It's in the shop. I'm stuck for sure till I get that back hopefully pretty quickly. Then I hope to come over. It's quite a trip for me. 7 hours one way.

1/26/2015 10:14:00 AM
that 23" kok makes those other 2 look like smolt
1/26/2015 2:08:00 PM
Awesome! Great report.

My brother is meeting me in Coulee City Friday night, we will be hitting Spring Canyon Sat, really hoping for some Kokes.

Anyone try Burbot, and Walleye around Spring Canyon this time of the year?

Likely headed for 2 rivers Sun, and maybe Mon. Might have an open seat both days.
1/26/2015 2:35:00 PM
Wow! Amazing fish. What lure did that big kokanee fall for? I want one.
1/26/2015 5:49:00 PM
WOW That's a good one Macfisher. An awesome kokanee indeed. I have a trick for counting fish; put five rainbows in a plastic bag and tie it off. Do the same again until the boat limit is reached. Never have to count them again. The game dep likes it too, they are looking to see how many over 20" you have in the group and they don't have to paw through the slime counting fish.

Thanks for the report and tight lines - Alan
1/26/2015 7:56:00 PM
Nice fish!!! I have one of those clicker counters drop one in the box and hit the clicker. Takes a bunch of the "OL" how many we have question, Oh ya and only one person is punching the clicker also..
1/26/2015 10:43:00 PM
Like it's been said before, that is a gorgeous fish. Nice day catching fish! Thanks for the report.
1/27/2015 9:28:00 AM
You know, I've looked at that big one closely, and I think it's a chinook because there's no fork in the tail. You can see my wife's 4lb, 2oz koke in this report and the forked tail is clearly visible - http://www.washingtonlakes.com/ReportComment.aspx?id=515&lid=450&t=5

No matter, you and your buddy had an awesome weekend! Thanks for the nice pics! :-)
1/27/2015 6:38:00 PM
What color were the gums in that big boy?
YJ Guide Service
1/27/2015 7:52:00 PM
Looks like a Chinook to me also. Congrats on some great looking fish either way. Mouth looks pretty black
Matt S.
1/28/2015 4:03:00 AM
No Chinook, complete lack of spotting on back and tail gives it away. That's a beautiful Kokanee!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709