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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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12 - Priest Rapids Reservoir Report


86° - 90°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Hook & Bait
All Day
66° - 70°

Late report - we spent Tuesday and Wednesday last week fishing a variety of spots in Priest Rapids from just below Wanapum dam down to the power lines right below Crab Creek. We were mainly targeting sturgeon but we also half way tried for some salmon - with no luck. The only thing we caught were a few dink small mouth around some rocks in a small cove.

We did get several good sturgeon type nibbles in the pool right below the dam but nothing we managed to hook up. We tried herring, sand shrimp, squid and eggs with various scents. All of it got nobbles the first day and nothing got nibbled the second day. That nay have been because the water temp rose about 1.5 deg while we were there.

I was told the sturgeon bite is better after the water cools down some. They have extended the open season on sturgeon through Nov, so we may go back and try again in a few weeks after it cools off some.

I marked what looked like plenty of fish but they all seemed to have lock jaw.

That part of the river has zero charting, so I mapped as much of it as I could with my Garmin while we fished. If any of you have Garmin sonar you can download the chart from the Garmin Quick Draw website if you want.


The river was close to full pool while we were there, so keep that in mind if you use these charts - the depths when you are there may be very different!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709