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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 25 - Nootka Sound, Esperanza Inlet Report
British Columbia



Coho Salmon
All Night

The sun has been shining, the wind has been blowing, but with lots of fish still to catch. High pressure systems off the coast have brought strong winds with it. Gale force winds the last week have made getting to the off shore spots difficult at times. Getting out early in the morning before the wind picks up has been key.

8 mile, or the "Pins" as the locals know it have been good for Chinooks and hatchery clipped Coho. 130-160 feet have been the best depths. Hoochies in clover leaf and R40 with half glow half silver flashers have been working well. When the bite slows down it pays to put out some bait. Bloody nose and glow green teasers have been taking fish.

Halibut fishing off shore has been incredible. Limits of good size fish in minutes have been caught. One day last week we had three boats share one ancor and in an hour we all had our limits and released some fish as well. 8 mile and 14 mile have been the best spots. Salmon belly,
Octopus and macheral are baits to try.

Inside the inlet we are seeing some beautiful Coho in good numbers now. Chinook are being taken on good bites first thing in the morning or at the high slack. Rosa harbour, Double Island and Garden point have been the best spots. Needlefish pattern sppoons and bait trolled slower than you would off shore is the key to success inside. Depths of 30-500 are your best bet.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709